Pimo's walking out

by Foolednomore 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • 3rdgen


    I agree that it's probably rare to literally get up and walk out in the middle of a meeting. In my case, there were many many things that I found troubling within the organization in the nearly 60 years I was in but I took them to be allowed by J as a test of loyalty. That's what is drummed into the flock by the GB.

    Yet, over time these things continue to pile up higher and higher until just one more straw breaks the cart. It doesn't even have to be big- just one too many. If it just so happens to be said or done at a meeting..... well out you go.

  • BluesBrother

    Realisation can come in a number of ways, sometimes because of an unloving elder , or a new belief that is untenable or just by thinking things through and realising that it does not work.

    Rarely however does that cause a sudden break, not if you are really in it. You are entangled in family and friend relationships, there may be congregation responsibilities to hand over. In short, you have to live a double life for a bit to sort these things out and then it is best to slowly ease off and drift away so as not to attract attention.

  • joe134cd

    Let’s just say that’s not the first report I’ve heard of the way Wt handled the twin tower incident. I think I remember hearing some Bethelites wanted to go and help out, but we’re told to stay where they were.

    PIMOS walking out, in spectacular fashion. I wish it would happen more often, but in reality it’s rear. It certainly takes time for one to truly make their mind up. For me the process of learning TTATT, to physically walking out took about 18 months. Its coming up a decade now since I left. For my mental well-being and for the sake of believing family it was the right decision.

  • blondie

    I have said this before on JWN, but it has been awhile, I walked out during a circuit assembly after the public talk (done in the late am) because of 3 comments said up till then. The proverbial last straws. Told my husband if he stayed at the assembly, I was taking the car and he could get a ride home. He came with me. I never went to another event with jws at it, weddings, funerals, baby showers, special talk, memorial, any conventions/assemblies, etc., nada. I woke up the next morning like a 5,000 pound weight had been lifted off. I woke up Saturday and felt so wonderful not having to go out "in the ministry" just sleep in, eat a leisurely breakfast, and read the newspaper.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    There was a posting from an elder who attended a "school" where a higher up said the governing body throws ideas at the wall and waits to see if it sticks. He didnt walk out, but did close his notebook and quit listening.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    My story is elsewhere on this board in my early posts.

    But the short of it was I got up after the public talk and left. I drove down the street to a cemetery, changed out of my suit into jeans, t-shirt and sneakers, and never went back.

    In 15 years since, I have been to two JW weddings not held at KHs. Nothing else, never again.

    Freedom is beautiful.

    Snakes (Rich)

  • Foolednomore

    I have suits only for business or wedding or other events. But no more meetings. Feels good to be free.

  • Foolednomore

    In my youth years, my mother wanted me to pioneer, so I did. I came into the hall while the conductor was having the service meeting. I was rudely told to shut up and sit down. I just walked in with out making a sound. I cut my day short that day and didn't continue any activity after that.

  • HiddlesWife

    @Foolednomore and @LongHairGirl, this cultcorporation undoubtedly LIED about them helping not only dubs but also nondubs on that day. They unsurprisingly did so in order to not only make themselves look good--because it's all about appearances with WT anyways--but also to work on the minds and hearts of NIs (Never Ins) and get them converted--to eventually get these people's $$$$$. They in actuality-reality don't care nor give a damn about anyone else but themselves--even in times of crisis!

  • WingCommander


    Sorry if I missed this in the past, but could you brief us on the 3 comments that led up to your walking out? Just curious, thx!

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