From what I've seen, those who have been recently appointed fall into 1 of 2 categories:
1. They've achieved nothing of note in their "real lives"-- they have dead-end, low paying jobs, and can barely afford to put food on their families' tables or provide a comfortable home they could be proud of. It's the only "marker" of success in their lives. It's the one chance they'll ever get in their lives to play the role of boss-- put on a cheap suit, a tacky pocket handkerchief, and tell other people what to do.
2. Those who actually have a brain in their heads, who became MS's because they were willing to step up and help getting lots of the little stuff done. The whole time they say "...but there is NO WAY I'll ever be an elder. I'll decline when they ask me." But then when the time comes, the pressure comes hard and they just can't say no.
They just read the letter at our hall this past weekend informing us of the new Kingdom Hall Master Plan arrangement (consolidate and sell all the really valuable KHs). The majority of the letter talked about efficient use of the KHs and following directions willingly, but then it had a very out-of-place paragraph about a great need for brothers to step up and reach out to be an MS and/or elder and that if you don't want to, you need to pray about it (or some such blather). Clearly this is a problem that is just getting worse.