What JW Words or Expressions Do You Still Use?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    i say "in the truth" on accident a lot. i notice that it's difficult to talk about Witness stuff with non JWs/ex-JW's because i rattle off words like "book study", "field service", "talk", "elder", "assembly", etc without even noticing it.

    When I talk to a non-JW about the WTS I make sure I use all of their lingo and emphasize it... doing this helps people realize just how much of a closed cult the WTS is.

  • minimus

    For those of us that were in the truth, we know that the slave always gave us just what we needed at the right time! I was talking to a brother that agreed with me 100% on this point. He always tried to encourage the friends to remain steadfast and joyful in spite of our trials or persecution that Satan the Devil heaps upon us. Thank Jehovah for the organization and the brotherhood! The spirit-directed organization loves us! How thankful we can be that the elder arrangement is in place and that the Governing Body truly love us.We are indeed a blessed people.

  • HoChiMin

    Brother minimus,

    Even when I considered myself a witness their words bugged me, calling me"Brother Hochimin" in public used to send me through the roof. I never wanted to appear as a religious nut, but once the cat was out of the bag it's more diffiCult to get gack in. Just quiting is best. "Jehovah's Witnesses" is one I still use hopefully only to expose it as a cult.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I find when I speak to former and current witnesses I call it the truth. One fellow co worker of mine who has left many years ago like myself always corrects me when I say the truth. My Father recently told me the society frowns upon the term "organization" now. Also he told me that the Society has encouraged members not to carry large bags in field service anymore. Anyone here of these turn of events? BTW my Father is in Puerto Rico, so maybe its just a geographic thing?

  • Euphemism
    Also he told me that the Society has encouraged members not to carry large bags in field service anymore.

    That's true in the US too. I think they're trying to get the Witnesses to look more like normal volunteer workers. Whenever anyone sees the large bags, they immediately think "JWs."

  • Elsewhere

    They also need to get them to stop getting all dressed up.

    NO ONE walks up to a stranger's door in a suit and has good news!

  • minimus

    Brother Hochimin, Glad to see you're alive and cooking!Hmmm....Just like I'm called Minimus by my brother....Suits and ties mean all business AND probably bad news.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Thats really funny, I can remember in the Circuit assemblys how it was empahsized to carry every publication possible. Just in case a householder asked for that small yellow book. This must mean a lot of brothers with book bag and watchtower plastic holders catalogs will be going out of business.

  • Euphemism
    They also need to get them to stop getting all dressed up.

    Yeah! I would never wear a suit out in service, unless I was going out right after the Sunday meeting, but I had no choice but to wear a tie.

    I always took my tie off to do park witnessing, however. Walking around a park handing out magazines wearing a jacket and tie is beyond ridiculous.

  • Sassy

    I am trying to pay attention to how many trigger words I use since reading Lady Lees thread a week or so ago. I do think sometimes though as we talk to a JW or to an exJW that the only words that sometimes define what we are wanting to say are those words though.

    I have gotten in a habit though of catching them as I say them and typing quotes around the words in here as if it gives less credibility to them or weakens the power of the internal auto reactionion they may trigger. Even talking out loud to my boyfriend when using some of those words I will guesture the same thing of "quotes" so he understands what I am saying, is not what I mean, but what we were taught to believe when I use those words.

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