During the last decade I've seen so many articles, and Top Speakers try to downplay that NFB policy. Now, this weeks WT study mentions a positive experience of someone applying having, "Contact and applying NFB with a DF relative"
Necessary Family Business (NFB) is now acceptable according to the weekly WT Study
by Quarterback 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
15 Despite a Christian upbringing,
however, some children later leave the
truth or are disfellowshipped, causing
the family heartache. “When my brother
was disfellowshipped,” said a Christian
sister in South Africa, “it was as
if he had died. It was heartbreaking!”
How did she and her parents respond?
14. What must parents do if they want to be
truly effective in molding their children?
15, 16. How should parents demonstrate their
trust in God if their child is disfellowshipped?
They followed the direction found in
God’s Word. (Read 1 Corinthians 5:11,
13.) “We resolved to apply the Bible,”
said the parents, “recognizing that doing
things God’sway would result in the best
outcome. We viewed disfellowshipping
as divine discipline and were convinced
that Jehovah disciplines out of love and
to the proper degree. So we kept our
contact with our son to absolutely necessary
family business.”
16 How did the son feel? “I knew that
my family did not hateme,” he later said,
“but they were obeying Jehovah and his
organization.” He also stated: “When
you are forced to beg Jehovah for help
and forgiveness, you realize how much
you need him.” Imagine the family’s joy
when this young man was reinstated!
Yes, when we give attention to God in all
our ways, we can have the best outcome.
—Prov. 3:5, 6; 28:26.https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/
June 2016 week of 8/7/16
Thanks, Blondie. You sure are fast.
I don't see anything positive in the WT statement. The blame is still on the son who caused grief to his family by leaving and it's obviously his fault that he is being shunned. The the son has to fully comply to the WT rules for his family to resume their relationship.
When you are forced to beg Jehovah for help and forgiveness, you realize how much you need him.”
Stockholm syndrome much? How can anyone read this and not think something is not right.
Nothing positive, but nothing negative. The WTS would never put this in a study article if they really wanted to make it clear that "necessary family business" was wrong.
The Searcher
16 How did the son feel? “I knew that my family did
nothate me,” he later said, and that as an "apostate" they hated me more than any other human on earth “but they were obeyingJehovaha real estate organization.” He also stated: “When you are forced to begJehovahthe eldersfor help and forgivenessto allow you demonstrate their power and control over you, only then do you realize how muchyou need himthey need your reverence & fear of them.” Imagine the family’s joy when this young man was reinstated after 12 months of carrying out "works which befit repentance." (I'll bet he regretted ever hearing the prodigal son story) -
I remember a few years back when the expression NFB was sounding negative. It was mentioned at a Zone visit in Canada, by a Branch Overseer, that the expression wasn't Biblical. A DO mentioned that the GB came up with NFB but were unsure if they had Jehovah's backing. The publications kept spinning it in a negative light by mentioning how not to use it, but never mentioned "How" to use it.
NFB was always on the books and what you read in this recent article reiterate what was said previously.
Its just the same old propaganda.
I wonder why the WTS heads don't mention about the many young people who got DFed and ended up committing suicide because of the turmoil and metal instability it cased them ?
Oops I guess that would bad contravening propaganda. ?
The cult needs more lawsuits for the health issues/destruction they've caused on family members. They're the NFB that needs to be dealt with.