When did the watchtower become a cult?

by Gadget 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ScoobySnax

    Euph.... Exactly. I concur.

    Its a very subjective word.

    "High controlled religion" hmmm I've seen lots from other religions or politics in various countries that could be classed under that same term, that control millions of people. A better question would have been "What is a Cult" So many seem to fit into that adjective. Could you not say the cult of materialism is not also true in western lands?

    Or have I had too much beer? The cult of beer.....hmmm


  • Euphemism

    LOL, Scoob!

    I'll stick by my definition, that of taking over the members will and identity. There certainly can be non-religious cults (e.g. Marxist Soviet and Maoist ideology); conversely, a mainstream religion, even if it has some political influence, doesn't have the same level of control... it may have control over more people, but the depth of control is not the same.

    Clearly, however, there's no bright-line defintion... that's why people on this thread have been talking about how the WTS gradually became more cultish.

  • imallgrowedup

    Euph -

    You've got a pm


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I don't know if I would call the JWs a cult or not. Part of the definition of a cult includes it being a fad, sort of like Heaven's Gate, which didn't last that long in comparison to other religious groups.

    The JWs are probably going to be around for a long time. They certainly exude some cultish tendencies, such as strict control, ostracising people from society, and claiming they have a monopoly on the truth. However, like everyone said, the word "cult" is thrown around loosely these days and the meaning is very subjective.

  • archangel01

    TO: CZAR

    Important Fact " Jesus IS Alimighty God in The Flesh"

    Jesus said in the book of John "Unless YOU Believe That I AM, You will die in your sins"

    God the Father uses the Name I AM in Ex. 3:14

    Hope this helps!

  • jgnat

    I think there is plenty of evidence that the WTS is a cult, by definition. Just because they do not like their bedfellows (or "bad association") doesn't mean that they can excuse themselves from this term.

    It doesn't do much good, though, to tell a JW that "The WTS is a Cult", because they immediatley associate with these extreme examples and dismiss me. Instead, I point out doctrines or behaviors, one by one, that are controlling and cultic. Without using the term.

  • Gadget

    Warning signs of an unsafe group(cult):

    1/.Milieu control: control of the group environment and communication

    2/.Manipulation: Leaders are perceived as being chosen by God, history or some supernatural force. Salvation can only be attained through the cult

    3/.Purity demands: An us vs. them mentality is developed, in which cult members are the only pure and good.

    4/.Confession: group confession and self-criticism is used in order to produce personal change

    5/.Sacred Science: The cult's doctrines and ideology are considered sacred and must not be doubted or questioned.

    6/.Loading the language: Conventional words and phrases are given special, in-group meanings.

    7/.Doctrine over person: Members are conditioned to feel guilt if they ever question group doctrine. One must subject one's experience to the "truth," as taught by the group.

    8/.Dispensing of Existence: The group contains the elite; outsiders are evil, unsaved, and may not even have the right to exist. Leaving the group will have devastating consequences.

    9/.An authoritarian power structure, with authority concentrated at the top

    10/.Charismatic or Messianic leader(s) (They define Messianic as meaning that the leaders identify themselves as God or state that they are the only persons capable of interpreting the Bible properly

    11/.The use of deceitful methods in recruitment of new members and/or raising of money

    12/.Isolation from society; filtering of information

    13/.The use of mind control methods on the membership.

    I saved this from a post a number of months ago, I can't remember the original poster!

  • shera

    Well, I think all religion are cults.More so when "man" starts to control how persons live.

    Faith in God should be a loving,good way in how we lives "our" lives.also how we treat our fellow man.

  • RR

    First we must define "cult."

    The term "cult" has changed in meaning. In the first century, Jesus and his followers were considered a cult.

    To most orthodox Christian Churches, anyone who does not teach that God is a trinity is considered a cult.

    To others, groups who set strict rules and lack of freedom are considered a cult.

    I go by the latter, since I am not a trinitarian and Love the Lord just as much as a trinitarian does.

    That being said, freedom of thought was squashed when Judge Rutherford took the reigns!


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    More so when "man" starts to control how persons live.

    I concur. I think a group becomes a cult when it goes from worshipping a diety to worshipping a person or a group of people.

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