New York's Bethel tunnels are no more . . .

by neat blue dog 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    BTW, connecting tunnels require government permission to build. and are regulated. Skywalks are the same way. We have skywalks in this area and they make sense. Several large business complexes have tunnels similar to those that NY Bethel has, Wallkill also has covered/windowed walkways between the residences and other group/common areas.

    Not creepy, commonsense.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    You are all probably right. But the times I walked through them they seemed dimly lit to me. I felt like a mole. Must remember I am a county boy. Even though I like visiting NY city from time to time it is still creepy to me. I am used to open land and fresh air. Love your weeds and happy gardening. Still Totally ADD

  • stuckinarut2

    Now if you wanted creepy, then the small tunnels under the Australian bethel are your thing!

    They are service tunnels that host piping and wiring etc. they also have paths. but they are just cut into the dirt and are small. They have sections that bethelites over the years have turned into wine cellars and home-brew areas! (Unofficially of course)

  • sparrowdown

    WT just makes everything they do seem creepy.

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