How unpopular is JW org with the American Public ?

by Phizzy 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy
  • punkofnice

    ...and that's just the congregation(tm) voting.

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  • BluesBrother

    So the American public thinks less of JWs than it does of Islam and fundamentalist (polygamous?) Morgan’s . That is saying something after all that has been seen.

    However, the dubs would probably be pleased and say that it was foretold that true Christians would be unpopular and they would probably say that people are still flocking in….. erm, well ? .?

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  • Diogenesister
    Diogenesister wonder Watchtower is pushing the boat out and trying to get good publicity with those paid for puff pieces on local news shows (with Phil Brumley is it?)

    Meanwhile....why do poor old Sikh's have such a bad rating? What do they ever do to anyone?(except open sweet shops and become doctors)🤔

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  • punkofnice

    It says only 1,000 people were surveyed. I wonder what their demographic was?

    Perhaps a much larger number would give different results........although I don't think the BORG would be at the top.

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  • Phizzy

    1,000 people seems to be the norm for you-gov surveys, which is why they are often bollocks. They can't afford to spend too much, they have to build up a few more £Millionfor Zahawi to "forget about" or "mislay". Image result for Pic Nadhim Zahawi. Size: 174 x 185. Source:

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    • BluesBrother
      BluesBrother3 hours ago
      So the American public thinks less of JWs than it does of Islam and fundamentalist (polygamous?) Morgan’s .

      Mormons even ?

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  • St George of England
    St George of England

    1,000 is hardly a representative sample of the US.


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  • luckynedpepper

    Statistically, 1000 people give you a margin of error of +/-3%. 1000 people is plenty assuming they are truly a random sampling of the population.

    Another way to think about that- We've all see FDR holding the paper that says Dewey wins. That polls was done by telephone and was a random sample. The problem was that telephones were not ubiquitous and there for calling people did not result in a random sample. It was actually a sample of the wealthier segment of society.

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  • HiddlesWife

    HOLLYWOOD has on a good number of occasions made JDUB jokes (especially within comedies such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, SNL, etc.). The TV/motion picture industry sees the Borg as a joke and doesn't care to expound on them--especially their D2D work!

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