Any takers?
What do you do before making a very hard decision?
by Iamallcool 16 Replies latest jw friends
Define "hard"? Difficult to decide, or hard consequences to undo?
Usually think of all the pros and cons, weight them, try to put a number to things so you are not letting less significant issues cloud the decision.
road to nowhere
Flip a coin
Then.....see if I am disappointed with the way it landed.
Simon has it
I go to the refrigerator, get out a milk jug, and say two prayers? One to the jug, the other to god; and see which one answers first.
That made me laugh FUJW ,...,now there is irony right ?
That made me laugh again,and again.
Consult the Umim and the Thumim.
Have a breakdown and cry
Anna Marina
I ask myself what Jesus would do.
think about all the possible outcome, then sleep it over, the answer is often right there.
Beth Sarim
Exactly. Weigh out the outcomes of each choice, then ponder those. Exactly great point.