Bobcat thanks ! I think the two men a bit suspect. Some of the other things seem more like wishful thinking that we are seeing subliminal messages. Hell every time I look at the clouds I swear they are smiling or angry with me. You can see what you want or not see too .
Art work in the 1933 book riches
by mickbobcat 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi Minimus,
Yea, I agree. I usually take most of the subliminal stuff with a grain of salt. But there are a few that are hard to explain any other way.
The picture with the one naked man up against the other, I wonder if CT Russel borrowed the artwork? And if so, why would he put such a picture in his publication? Was this a way to get the curious to buy the book? It seems like the poor colporteurs would be run out of town for trying to distribute this kind of stuff.
I'm pretty sure the book 'Creation' referred to was a Rutherford book from the '30s, not 1914 as cited. Russell had a book called 'The New Creation', but the one with the offensive picture was a Rutherford-era book.
Adam and Eve are specimens of badly- drawn humans, flat-chested, of pasty-white complexion and quite delicate in build. Clearly, the Judge saw the first humans as Caucasians betraying his ethno-superior world view. I would have thought Adam would have had a full beard and well-defined abs but no.
Satan, as usual, gets to wear the most impressive clothes. I'd kill for that toga and sandals.
I remember we had all those old books in our library and the art work seemed weird to me even then.
Why in that 1933 book Riches with the illustration ,does Adam have nipples ? I notice that he doesn`t have a belly button but why nipples ?