So what I'm seeing is that In truth , I nor anyone else matters much unless they are a part of ones life.
I didn't know what to expect when I signed up and started digging on here to help me get to the root a lot of jw trauma. I've lived in isolation for so long I find it hard to connect. That makes me feel alone. Im trying so hard.
I've definitely disagreed with opinions, then have seen the logic it. Sometimes not.
Only wanted to be excepted. But that comes from within. Even though the whole reason for going to sites like this is to feel excepted and connected and find the truth.
That why Im trying my best to talk this out with seasoned people that maybe felt a bit lost and jumped to conclusions at the beginning only to change there way of thinking on it later.
@Simon. I truley get what you are saying. Did you ever feel sorta lost at first when waking up to TTATT and needed or wanted guidance to be able to move further on your journey? Some people seem to see TTATT and then simply except it and move on like it was not a very big deal. I'm not that kind of person. Im still really struggling to just be, and I understand you may have been able to just ride it out relatively unscathed. I didn't.
@Steve-I got triggered a lot after the Leah Remini special and my head has been floating around in a fog. I guess I need to really grasp that most people just live there live from their point of view and thats that. That most people really dont care unless it directly affects them. Thats a very painful pill to swallow. Also I dont think Ive pissed anyone off and if I have and am capable of reconciliation I will do that.
You all seem so strong to me. I personally feel weak. Which does make for great target practice.