Anyone care to guess how it will be won?
Latest Watchtower.Org Article-AIDS-how will the battle be won?
by IronGland 12 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
Sooner or later the public will wake up and see that the AIDS religion is just as shonky and propped up with half troofs as the Borg.
It's much the same thing, invent an apocalypse and then promise to save us all if you throw enough worship and money at us.
It's all bollocks, innit.
Black Sheep
BTW, I notice that the hit it hard, hit it early protocol mentioned near the end of the article has already been scrapped as it was killing too many customers. The article was from 1998 and is well out of date.
I can't get the page at the moment, their site appears to be down (permanently I hope)
I absolutely hate when they (the society) tries to write about things they don't understand, such as AIDS. They always chalk it up to immorality, and say Armageddon will cure it (because it'll blow all the people with AIDS up, that's the implication)
Ignorant people shouldn't have the right to publish.
Let me guess... it will be solved when the beeeeeeeeeautiful new paradise comes along and solves ALL problems for EVERYONE (even if one person's paradise is another person's hell).
In the mean time... just wait, do nothing, and leave the problem in Jehover's hands because he will solve the problem when he is good and ready to. Who are you to interfere with Jehover's greater plan anyway???
I suppose the solution will begin with the slaughter of 99.9% of the world's population...
Now, wait a minute. If the cure for aids will kill over 6 billion people, wouldn't we just be better off with aids?
As someone who lost a partner to AIDS 9 years ago before the current drug "cocktails" were available to assist those stricken with the HIV virus live reasonably normal lives, I find it reprehensible for an organization such as the WTBTS to dare open their mouths about a topic with which they have no personal experience.
Several years ago, I met a man from New York City who was gay, lost his partner to AIDS, and began studying with the JWs after they caught him at that "weak moment" of grief. After he was baptized, he discovered that he was himself HIV positive. He confided in an elder whom he thought he could trust. Instead of being given loving concern for his health, the elder spread news of this brother's infection through the congregation. After that day, he was no longer allowed to use the bathroom in the Kingdom Hall without an escort! He was so disgusted with the way he was treated that he disassociated.
The WTBTS and their minions still live in the dark ages when it comes to the AIDS virus. Although they do not put it in print as some other ultraconservative religions have done, there is an implicated stance that AIDS is a "recompense" for homosexuality, even though current statistics show that larger numbers of heterosexuals have been infected worldwide than homosexuals. If the WTBTS had their way, they would still be referring to AIDS as "the Gay Cancer" if they could.
Will a cure for AIDS ever be found? Probably, but considering the billions pharmaceutical companies are currently making on the drug "cocktails" the HIV infected must take daily, I doubt they will be forthcoming with the cure any time in the near future. The almighty Dollar continues to reign omnipotent over the sick and huddled masses.
Sara Annie
Here's a link to the fabulously well-written, intelligent, and not-at-all biased article in question . Puh-leeze.
Whenever I read any of these articles, I just sit there with my jaw hanging wondering how on earth anyone with half a brain can read ANY of their literature without noticing how blatantly condescending and leading the language is. I truly have to wonder how on earth anyone falls for the JW party line given the medium in which it's spread. But I digress.
The link is
After that day, he was no longer allowed to use the bathroom in the Kingdom Hall without an escort! He was so disgusted with the way he was treated that he disassociated.
And all the loving JWs breathed a sigh of relief to see him go.
Black Sheep
There are a few parallels between the WBS and AIDS that some of you may not have noticed.
Both the WBS and the AIDS Establishment have their Apostates and they are shunned. e.g.
The 'discoverer' of HIV, Robert Gallo, fraudulently claimed that he had isolated the HIV virus when he had used a genetic twin of a virus sent to him by Luc Montagnier. Russell sold Miracle Wheat and Armageddon etc.
WBS theology and AIDS are both unproven theories.
WHAT???? AIDS is unproven???? Believe it or not, the standard, (Koch's Postulate) previously required to prove the link of an organism to a disease has not been met by HIV/AIDS. You will find 'experts' that claim that Koch's Postulate has been met, but there is a reward on offer for anyone to prove it and these self proclaimed experts have not claimed it yet.
Both promise an Apocalypse and offer us hope if we have faith in them and put enough money in their begging bowls, and both use fear of death to get compliance.
Both have theories that contradict known and provable facts. AIDS in Africa is a good example. I don't know how many of you read Rian Milan's article in the Nov 22 2001 Rolling Stone, Aids in Africa, In Search of the Truth, repeated at, but I found it impressive. Here was someone setting out to slay Mbeki over his reluctance to provide the latest drugs for his people and every rock he turned over had another nasty under it. Looking back on the article now, I find it very much like looking at the quotes supposedly supporting the teachings of the WBS for the first time.
Both have unfulfilled prophesies. Aids was supposed to get into, and devastate, the heterosexual population in the USA etc. Both Armageddon and AIDS forecasts have been a total cockup and both rely on our short memories to forget these forecasts.
Both have changed the rules, e.g. AIDS recently included cervical cancer as an AIDS defining disease even though the chances of an HIV+ women dying of cervical cancer is no worse than the general population. This was done so that women can die of AIDS too, to help fulfill their failing prophesies. WBS had to invent the Other Sheep because they had run out of seats on the bus. Same thing.
For both AIDS and Armageddon the cure is worse than the disease. If you read the manufacturer's blurb on AIDS medication you will find a horror story that explains why many people on these meds die early.
If you are diagnosed with AIDS or HIV it is your duty unto yourself to do 'due diligence' on the treatments offered. Most of the readers here did not do that when they joined or were brought up in the WBS and would be reluctant to do that for HIV/AIDS for EXACTLY THE SAME REASONS.
If you do do due diligence on AIDS you may well find that you have been sucked in by bad
theologyscience.I have only scratched the suface of the HIV/AIDS saga here. If you want to know more, use Google.
To those of you that have cared for, and lost, friends, lovers and relatives to AIDS, you have my deepest sympathy, but please don't slay me for the above. I am only the message boy, not the message. The damage done by medical misadventure is far more immediate and life threatening than belief in the Borg and I believe that everyone should be aware that the AIDS message is not without controversy and it's Apostates are not short of evidence.