"In the U.K. , your words could be called hate speech ….even liable for prosecution."
I'm so glad that I'm a citizen of the USA, and not some pussy-whipped "subject" of the UK Monarchy who owns nothing (and you'll like it), is guilty until proven innocent, can't speak their minds, and who can't even carry a knife due it being a deadly weapon. Meanwhile, the Islam-o-fugg's are throwing acid in faces, running Islamic schools for their children where they're taught to hate the Western Culture, and are given free reign to do whatever they want because you all are so scared shitless of calling a spade a spade, for fear of being labeled a "racist", or some other bullshit designed to deflect away from THEIR hatred of everyone not a Muslim.
Might as well bend over and kiss your asses goodbye already. We on this side of the ocean see exactly whats happening to you (and also Sweden, etc). We wish you well with being thrown back into the Bronze Age and dealing with these rapey goat herders.