for the born in's, were you fully aware of the shunning policy and it's potential repercussions when you got baptised whilst young?
I knew about disfellowshipping because it's the one question I got wrong when the elder studied with me before my baptism at fifteen. All the other kids there got it right but I said it was for punishment, I just couldn't swallow the 'it's an act of love' nonsense.
So he went over it all again and asked if I understood now but I still saw it as punishment. They still let me get baptised!
When I left home at nineteen my friend in the new congregation, yeah I still went stupid me, was talking about a woman she know whose son was disfellowshipped and she'd said to him he was dead to her. Her own son! I was shocked, I think that was the first time the shunning sunk in. I knew then I could never do that to a child of mine.