update on my mother

by Mulan 13 Replies latest social family

  • Mulan

    I have gotten many emails and PM's from posters asking about Mom, so thought I would update everyone.

    She is still in a rehab facility, but because she will need more care than I am qualified to give her now, she is moving on Saturday to an assisted-living retirement home. We have toured it and it is really a nice one. Medicare is picking up the tab, so it won't cost her anything except most of her SS check. All her needs are provided, all meals, cleaning, utilities, even cable TV, and she is real happy about being more independent. (That means she is happy about living alone................my Dad irritated her all the time, and I had to hear about it every single day). She will have her own small apartment, and all meals are provided. They have a piano in one of the activity rooms, and she played it for awhile the other day when we toured it. That made her very happy since she hasn't had access to a piano in years, and she is a wonderful pianist.

    We ran into Rachel's Kindergarten teacher (she was also our youngest son, Danny's, K. teacher) and her husband who live there now, as paying residents. They are healthy and about late 60's, so just pay to have an easier lifestyle. It isn't a nursing home, because no one there is sick, but they have people to assist those who need it.

    She has been gone from our home for a month, and I must say things are easier here since she has been gone..............more peaceful for sure.

    Thanks to everyone for their concern for us.

  • mouthy

    Well that is good to hear.We all need peaceful times. Glad it worked out. You were good to her as long as you were able ((((HUG))

  • Sassy

    It sounds like (under the circumstances) it will be a good thing for everyone. I think it is great that they have places for those who need assistance but yet still are able to have their own independence too.

    I hope this works out to be a very positive place for her. I think it's great she has a piano to enjoy.

  • Country_Woman

    Good for all of you - enjoy Christmas without pressure.



  • cruzanheart

    Thanks for the update! I think she will be very happy there. My parents were in a retirement home, which is one step removed from assisted living, and they are very nice places. The residents are treated with dignity and allowed to have as much of their own lifestyle as they are capable, with assistance. When we moved Mom and Dad into their first one, Jennie looked around and said "hey, can we live here too?" With weekly maid service and three meals a day, it's a pretty good deal!

    So have yourself a merry little Christmas!



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I'm glad it's worked out for you Mulan. Gads... but I hate to see our parents reach those 'golden' years.... it's a little difficult for everyone, but at least for now you have resolution. Hope your Christmas is what you want it to be....


  • Mulan
    Hope your Christmas is what you want it to be....

    It will definitely be better this year, without elders lurking around, visiting Mom. So far, we've had no visits. Maybe we can avoid getting df'd another year. Santa

  • imallgrowedup

    Mulan -

    Thanks for posting this and bringing us up-to-date. I think you are doing the right thing, and you've found an environment that she can function in, as well as be happy in. The fact that others are there paying out of their own pocket says an awful lot for the place. It sounds like it is working out for the best for everyone.



  • bikerchic

    Thanks for the update Mulan. It sounds like a good place for her, just make sure you visit her a lot I know that's what my Grandmother liked us to do when she moved to an assisted living home. As nice as they are it's not like home.

    I sorta had to laugh being a parent who hasn't said this about our kids?

    She has been gone from our home for a month, and I must say things are easier here since she has been gone..............more peaceful for sure.

    he,hee I bet even your Mom said that when you left home. LOL



  • Mulan
    he,hee I bet even your Mom said that when you left home. LOL

    She probably did, Kate. She seemed in a hurry to get me married.

    Funny, tonight my father told me he wants me to see about him going into assisted living. He said he thought Dave and I should be alone, and not be bothered with him. I reassured him that he isn't a bother, and he isn't. I will talk to him more tomorrow to see if he really means it. If he would be happier there, I won't stop him.

    Mom will be livid though. I can just see it now...................knock knock, guess who?

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