More victory for Ex-JWs in B.C. Canada
by yalbmert99 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks for Posting this yalby ! This is great news ! I suppose the Org. may appeal, if so they will lose. What a nonsense to claim the records were for "Journalistic or Artistic reasons" !!
This has ramifications beyond Canada, as the Legal Systems of the U.K and other Countries study such Rulings, and often will adjust their own later Rulings on such matters in line with what a case such as this decided was Legal.
Another tool of Control is being taken from the Evil Org !
Beth Sarim
The Borg will appeal again.
They will lose again.
The ramped-up pandering for donations will increase again.
I hope so Phizzy!
Yeah Beth Sarim, they always appeal, the wt never recognizes any wrong doing
Beth Sarim
The Borg cannot or will ever apologize for anything, ever. Ever.
Remember "no apology" right from that douchebag GB mouth.
WOW,,, all I can say for affecting so many lives. WOW!!
And then saying "no apology" realizing this.
WOW. Douchebags.
Yeah they are jerks
Beth Sarim
Jerks and Douchebags
One or more elders might be thinking they can go back to the Court with the cast-iron defence of,
'Your Honour, the reason we didn't produce those records after all was because we discovered that they'd been destroyed. No, we don't know who did it. I can go now, right?'
Beth Sarim
""Ignorance is bliss".
Beth Sarim - “The Borg will appeal again. They will lose again.”
And likely end up worse off than before, scratching their heads over why it’s happening.