Let's see here ...what to expect.
Let me guess.
* Each day opens with a discussion of the daily text and how we all should be doing more.
* Experiences in the preaching work (typically two sisters and a brother are interviewed)
* A symposium each day
* A song in the middle of each session after which you may remain standing to hear the announcements which will include:
- Requests for contributions
- Greetings from several branch offices around the world (but you are told not to clap until the final one is read)
- Clapping extra hard after the rhetorical question is asked "Brothers, don't we want to send our love and greetings to them?"
- Instructions to keep your children seated with you at all times
- Being told the location of first aid and lost in found (and that the first aid department is not for baby sitting)
- Being told where the meeting will be located for brothers between 18 and 35 that wish to apply for Bethel service.
- Warning about leaving valuables on your seat or in your car
- Instructions on where the baptismal candidates are to sit
- Instructions on where not to park or else your car will be towed.
- Mention that the beautiful flowers around the stage will be available at the end of the assembly for a suggested donation
- Hear the amount of the deficit in the final annnoucement on Sunday and that we are sure it will be covered by our contributions
- Reminder about the location of the contribution boxes
- etc ...etc ..etc
* A keynote address every day - a book or a brochure usually introduced at each
* One drama
* A part with three elders discussing a problem in the congregation
* An extra prayer on Sunday at the beginning of the afternoon session
* Summary of the Watchtower
* The underlying theme of every part, do more and give more
* Music played for 15 minutes before the public talk on Sunday
* Announcement in the final talk on Sunday about next years assembly.
* A very long closing prayer
* Everyone clapping when the closing prayer is over.
and on ... and on .... and on .... and on ... and on .... and on ......
***** Rub a Dub