
by datsdethspicable 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enishi

    I used to know a dub who believed dinosaurs were a farce as well. I've heard there's been quite a few who thought this way.

  • gumby
    My Mother did not believe they existed until the Awake came out with an article about them. Up til then, she thought it was all a big scientific farce.


    It's intresting how many witnesses do not even know what their Organisation teaches on many matters. Many wouldn't believe them if you told them they weren't allowed to give their cat a blood transfusion.

    The sad part is......once they find out what the Organisation teaches about a matter that they believed differently on...........they'll drop their belief and adopt the societies,........no questions asked usually. (at least no questions verbally)


  • patio34

    I remember back in the late 80s or early 90s sometime the Awake had a cover article about dinosaurs. In it, it positively stated that there have never been dinosaur fossils found in the same layer of sediments as human remains. In other words, dinosaurs lived long before humans and never lived at the same time as humans.

    According to evolutionists I've read, humans could not have evolved unless the dinosaurs went extinct. They were so powerful and ruled the earth so much that only very small, mostly nocturnal, mammals could escape being eaten by them.


  • bernie

    I remember in the 60's and 70's the green bibles had dinosaurs on the inside front and rear cover.

  • AlanF

    Grandma is not up to date with the latest bit of non-information from the Society. Only old-time Dubs still think the dinosaurs were put here to chew up massive amounts of vegetation and prepare the earth for man. Whatever, it's a thoroughly ridiculous teaching that goes back to Russell's days.

    Younger Dubs have no idea about this old teaching. When I've made inquiries of Dubs who are up on the Society's latest non-teaching, and even inquiries from the Society itself, all are totally non-committal. I think they're all aware that the old teachings are ridiculous, but they can't specifically discount them without discounting a huge raft of related teachings as well. Indeed, accepting modern science would pretty well kill the Society's many claims that the Bible is a scientifically accurate work. So they do nothing, hoping that Armageddon will come and save them from their folly.


  • Cassiline
    Dinosaurs were placed on the earth to defoliate the heavy plant life caused by the planet being surrounded by a water canopy.

    While in the fourth grade we had to present 'current events' articles from news papers. My grandmother would not allow me to use newspapers I always had to use something from the watchtower or awake. I normally picked the Awakes blurbs on news around the world.

    I recall bringing the teaching above to light for my classroom. I can still hear Miss. Carmichael saying. " Cassi where do you get this stuff from"? I realized years later she probably thought I was using articles from supermarket tabliods.


  • Momofmany
    I recall bringing the teaching above to light for my classroom. I can still hear Miss. Carmichael saying. " Cassi where do you get this stuff from"? I realized years later she probably thought I was using articles from supermarket tabliods.

    I am sorry, but this was way too funny. I remember using the articles when I had school reports. I would get written on my paper "use more resources" So I so understand what you mean. :-)

  • drwtsn32
    she probably thought I was using articles from supermarket tabliods

    LOL!!! Yeah, but some people actually want to read tabloids!

  • Cassiline


    LoL at least someone else knows where I am coming from!


    LOL true!

    Cassi, resourse class

  • HyTech

    While we're on the subject, I have a question. When I was studying, I tried to read as many of the books as possible. I seem to remember one of them covering the story of Noah's ark and it had a picture of Flood waters coming up around the Ark and right in the water there appeared to be a dinosuar's head. Does anyone remember seeing this and if you did, what book was it pictured in? I would love to come across it again for a good laugh with some new friends.

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