I doesn’t help that JWs for the most part only associate with ones in their congregation too. It’s easy for some reason for JWs to just forget a their friends and loved ones if their not attending the congregation they go to.
Im also in your shoes not dfd just not going. The problem is they the cult members are so ingnorant of every thing yet enjoying their fake lives with their fake friends they just don’t stop to ponder what’s wrong with the situation their in. It’s been said most JWs don’t wake up until they become a victim in some way of the cults teachings or policies. So the sad fact is they may never wake up and if your dfd they may never give you the time of day.
Ive started going back because of this , it’s better to me a marginal JW and have your family then being out and not having anyone. It’s would be great to stand on a mountain with a deity shining a light down on you stating that your right and your a righteous good person but if no ones listening then what does it matter.