I dont post really. Probably because I'm full of discord and shame about this religion. I'm embarrassed, but working thru it. Anyway, I'm trying to move forward. (I was in for nearly 30 yrs)
The so called 'friends' who treated me like shit because they disliked my husband so much (he being a perpetual whining victim, [he was indeed victimized]- but hasn't the tools or desire to do anything about it except honor his vow and never change-but I digress) well these people, now that I've faded, (they must need to count some service time-🙄CV19) are suddenly constantly 'reaching out' to my poor-ass soul (sorry, I love swearing lol!!!) So, this is me-I'm shunning ALL those love bombers. I want NOTHING to do with any of them. Nothing. I dont respond. When asked if I ever need to talk, at first I would just say No thanks, I'm good. (I would think, thank goodness our thoughts can be kept private- no marquis on my forehead advertising my thought crimes.) Nope, I don't want to 'talk' about my thoughts. But now, I dont even respond. Probably if I say "Thanks" I'll be counted as an RV! LOL!!
I took a huge step posting this...just looking for some input. I feel a twinge of guilt but they are not my friends and dont love me.