Geoffrey Jackson - "Satan, don't take my hair!!!"
by OrphanCrow 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How about watches?
Or they just come from Apple?
I will give Geoffrey Jackson this much(once you wade through his patronizing parables), he speaks well and has fewer off-putting idiosyncracies than his fellow GB members.
That said, the man is a jerk.
He described the dog chasing after the ball as never satisfied. Huh? The dog is obviously having fun and wants it to continue! Somehow that is cast as a problem and to drive home that point Jackson likens Satan to the ball thrower - and the metaphor changes to something negative and judgemental.
The toupee metaphor was just plain labored and silly.
Surely the audience knows this priviledged man has all his needs taken care of and he represents an organization that is notorious for keeping the rank and file busy, busy, busy.
When an illustration needs such laboured explanations, it simply is not working.... -
Playing ball ball with your dog makes you Satanic? Weird how they see Satan everywhere. Kinda like someone saying they see dead people everywhere.
How utterly psychotic.
Now we know why those loons don't go door to door. People would be calling 911 about mentally disturbed men knocking on doors in their neighborhood all day.
lol @ sparky, love W&G!
On a more serious note, this is the lying scumbag that perjured himself to the ARC. I detest these child-abusing hypocrites with a passion that burns clear and bright! And it keeps getting brighter. : D
Half banana
Imagine what an an organisation would look like like if it were controlled by seven emotionally stifled, under-educated, clockwork clowns? -
It's a reasonable point, in isolation - "things don't bring you happiness". I agree.
That said, it is not particularly motivating that someone who has every material want and need provided for him at absolutely no personal cost or effort to himself, including automobiles and flat screen TVs, is making this speech.
Jackson has not worked "secularly" in decades, if he ever did. He does not cook his own food, wash his own clothes, clean his own house, or pay taxes or insurance. He has no medical expenses and never will be in danger of bankruptcy due to such. He has no children to feed, clothe, and educate, and he has dozens of wealthy JWs tripping over themselves to give him prestigious gifts.
It is an effortlessly easy thing for him to say that "material things come from Satan".
LoisLane looking for Superman
About the only thing Geoffrey Jackson does for himself is wipe his own behind. At least I hope no dedicated Beth hell zealot zombie does it for him??? Yikes.
How can someone who has all his needs (and wants) taken care of, say... anything... to anyone of what they should or could buy with their hard earned cash?
Frankly, he makes a fool of himself. Why? Didn't he think, suspect, that his audience expected to hear great spiritual things from him, a GB leader, not stupid comedy jokes. Maybe... Maybe he didn't have any great spiritual things to spout...?
Maybe he hadn't heard God's voice, talk to him, that day... So what you gonna do? Tell jokes?