That fits with some of the Witnesses I ran into during my study, a guy who did everything in the congregation, and I mean everything, admitted to me behind closed doors that he worked part-time for most of his life but started working full-time recently, because, he implied, he got the sense he would need it come retirement (a sure sign he didn't see Armageddon as just around the corner). Most Witnesses I spoke to took the head in the sand attitude, they just went with what the Governing Body told them whether in talks or magazines, they didn't seem to question it much less even think of questioning it. I don't get that mentality either.
I can't listen to that kind of stuff for very long either it's so... grating, I can't imagine letting someone talk to me like that long-term. The Baptist pastor I grew up with used to preach like that, he wasn't quite that bad but you could hear it in his voice from time to time, he talked down to us. A lot of high-ranking Brothers, those "taking the lead," seem to delight in talking down to the faithful.