I'm so happy about this.
This will have major implications for states such as California and their laws not only New York.
Let freedom ring!
Big Win in Supreme Court of the U.S. today for all of the 2nd Amendment folks
by StoneWall 13 Replies latest jw friends
Remember: they want to have guns for themselves, and those protecting them. Not for you or yours.
In States like NY only criminals business owners and police have guns
road to nowhere
If everyone on t h e subway had a gun there would be fewer muggings.
As for the wild west, most of the few actual gunmen were easterners. Look up the actual western gunfights from the Civil war to 1900 and it equals about a month in Chicago.
I have repeatedly asked, and have in over five decades NEVER had a leftist honestly and politely answer the question, "Why is it that U.S. states with the LEAST restrictive firearm laws seem to have the lowest firearm crime?"
Im sure our exjw friends in the UK and Europe think we are crazy with our firearms. I know for a fact many on this forum that live in the USA have a safe or safes with a dozen or more of Ars Aks shotguns etc. I found this you tube of a young girl using her "nurf gun on targets in the woods....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLGkyekD_ng
I lived for several decades in a certain crime-ridden Third World country, whose capital city is regarded as one if the more dangerous places in the world. Furthermore, some of its outlying districts - such as the one I lived in - are even worse. In common with most expatriates who have experienced that country, I could go on all day with stories which fit the category of “The truth is stranger than fiction.”
From that experience, I have serious reservations about the level of protection afforded by carrying a firearm on ones person.
The only persons whom I knew who got shot were both carrying a 9mm automatic (which both of them knew well how to use).
Maybe the Australian country singer John Williamson got it right in one of his songs - a stanza of which reads “ The way to get shot is to carry a gun”.
Great news! Maybe now all schools can finally arm their students and put a stop to school shootings.
Q: What's the only way of stopping a bad guy with a gun?
A: A good guy with a gun.