Double Speak from last night's CLAM

by eyeslice 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeslice

    Now that there are no meetings to physically attend, I am in a position where I listen in to my wife's Zoom calls.

    I thought some of the ideas in last week's CLAM were a bit strange, for instance they harped on about being 'friendly' to non-JWs but not to become 'friends' with them. The poignant question being put to the audience; 'What is the difference between being friendly to an unbeliever and being his friend?'

    The same strange message cropped up again in this week's Living as Christians section. First, there was a children's animated cartoon featuring Sophia. In it a new girl from India, dark-skinned and therefore obviously different, joins the apparently all white school. All the kids in Sophia's class, none of who seem even to know where India is, give this new girl a hard, apart from, of course, Sophia who takes her under wing. The title of this section 'Become Jehovah's Friend – Love Your Neighbour'. The question being put to the audience 'How did Sophia show love to Priya (the Indian girl)?' Notice, not 'How did Sophia become friends with Priya?'

    Next there was the whiteboard animation; 'What's a real friend?', after which the audience was asked 'Where can you find a good friend?', the answer obviously being only in the congregation with those who worship Jehovah.

    So there you have it. Sophia herself may not be nasty to the new Indian girl but in the end they can never be friends. After all the new girl is probably a Hindu so certainly not a worshipper of Jehovah, besides which she is probably going to die at Armageddon so not really worth investing too much emotionally in.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    They are nice with you with the constant and never ending hope that you will convert to their beliefs. But nice is just nice. They're never be your friend.

  • FFGhost

    "Thank you for being my friend, Sophia".

    "Well, of course, Priya, I'm not really your friend. You see, you worship demons, and well, frankly, my God is going to kill you and your parents and, do you have any brothers or sisters? One of each? OK, he's going to kill them too. Any pets? Dogs, cats? Gone. Jehovah kills animals too. All because you worship demons.

    "Of course, if you decide to worship Jehovah like me, he won't kill you. Of course, he'll still kill your parents and brother and sister unless they stop worshipping demons, too. Wait - why are you running away? I'm not done being 'friendly' yet!"

  • pistolpete

    thought some of the ideas in last week's CLAM were a bit strange,

    for instance they harped on about being 'friendly' to non-JWs but not to become 'friends' with them.

    Like a high price "Escort"

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I thought some of the ideas in last week's CLAM were a bit strange, for instance they harped on about being 'friendly' to non-JWs but not to become 'friends' with them - cults play word games.

    Kinda like when JWs say they have no leaders, only 'ones taking the lead'.

  • carla

    jw's have such an odd sense of friendship! my jw will talk about his 'friends' and I just bite my tongue from saying, "they are not your friends! if you change your belief system for any reason you have no friends, they will all abandon you".

    Real friends love you warts and all. They might think you have some odd ideas and love you all the same.

  • nowwhat?

    "I thought some of the ideas in last night's clam were strange"

    you mean like using cartoons to make a point?😂

  • skin

    I had the same thoughts too when I sit through that part.

  • Overrated

    JW's will be a friend as long as you agree with their crap. But as soon as you point out the holes in their crap. They are no longer so friendly. Some will walk away and you will never see them again. Others will argue their point.

  • smiddy3

    They dont seem to know the difference to being a friend or an associate ?

    Having and being a friend is unconditional

    Havind an associate "friend" is, or can be, conditional.

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