Did Jesus really die on a cross?

by macys 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice
    TTWSYF - That said, once the blade touches YOUR skin, you would NOT hold onto any legend.At least I don;t think that I would.

    There's nowt so strange as folk. As the saying goes.

    If you mean what I think you mean.

    Jonestown reminds me of death for delusion. JWs and refusal of blood transfusions. Islam too. People believing in stuff because some bloke in the past was supposed to have said stuff. It all seems rather daft to me.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    If Christians believe Jesus was an innocent victim of the death penalty, then why are so many Christians pro the death penalty?

    The Rebel.

    Punko-good point, but there is a diff between giving your life for a cause and being tortured to death imho
  • Rattigan350

    Depictions show that the upright and the cross beam are square in width and depth and perfectly flat. How could they get them that way back then? Did they have saws? Mills? They would have had axes.

    They show the crossbeam as intersecting the upright. But how could it? It would have to rest upon the upright. Some pictures show it tied to the upright by rope. How solid would that be? It would tilt. I opt for one upright because it is easier.

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