Current light on will die at Armageddon?

by Teddnzo 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Teddnzo

    My wife Zoe and I often talk about her grandmother who has never been a JW but is an excellent Christian by other opinions. She has led such a good life always kind and tried to follow Jesus example.

    Before the AGM new light my wife often thought according to current light is that as long as she dies before Armageddon she will be resurrected. What if she is still alive when Armageddon starts? Then she wouldn’t make it into the new world? This is a bit ridiculous when you think about it as Br Jackson says implying in a sarcastic way that we were all idiots for thinking that. But that is what the official doctrine was.

    So what is he saying the new doctrine (sorry light) is? Would Zoe’s grandmother be better off dying before Armageddon or not now this new light has come in?

    She is in her 90s and has been C.O.E Christian all her life no way she will ever change into a JW. She has dementia getting worse anyway, so is the new light that people like her would make it if they died before but will still make it or not if still alive ?

  • DesirousOfChange

    The fact that she's in her 90's almost assures that The End is Near (her end), so it likely won't matter what choices she makes in her religious beliefs.

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  • Rattigan350

    There is no armageddon so it won't matter.

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  • enoughisenough

    a young brother once said he wished all of his ( worldly ) friends would die before armageddon- ( reasoning being they would have a chance in the resurrection.) It a PIMI JW really thought about it, it would be better to never be baptized and to die considering the way we were taught. Better to die and be resurrected than be a JW and get disfellowshipped if you bought into the old "light".

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Armageddon is a fictional made-up fantasy.

    It does NOT exist.

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  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I once saw a bumper sticker that said "Armadillos not Armageddon," that sums up my position.

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  • BluesBrother

    Of course those who point out that Arm. Is not real , are correct..

    However the up to date WT view interests me since I have close family ties.. The new thoughts sound interesting ,but I am waiting until I can here the original unedited AGM talks before I finally decide what they now say…

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ...yes should be interesting as to what they weasel out of this time.

  • TonusOH

    enoughisenough: it would be better to never be baptized and to die considering the way we were taught.

    There is a lot of reasoning like this, similar to Pascal's Wager, where the idea is that you may as well fake it in the hopes that you might get lucky. But this kind of thinking presumes that god will be okay with someone trying to cheat him. Or that the same god who wanted 'mercy, not sacrifices' will be forced to grant salvation on a technicality.

    I think that god would reward sincerity above all. You can't sneak past him. That might only anger him.

  • Teddnzo
    Pascal's wager is a philosophical argument advanced by Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)

    “Pascal contends that a rational person should adopt a lifestyle consistent with the existence of God and actively strive to believe in God. The reasoning behind this stance lies in the potential outcomes: if God does not exist, the individual incurs only finite losses, potentially sacrificing certain pleasures and luxuries. “

    But the new JWLITE idea means you don’t need to sacrifice certain pleasures and luxuries until right at the end of the great tribulation as they now say?

    So JWLITE is a win win for everyone. Go to meetings occasionally and keep one foot in for all the good things that being physically in offers. But at the same time have all the benefits that being mentally out offers.

    Don’t need to go door to door anymore and don’t need to listen to the GB as they admit they are not inspired and get things wrong.

    At the same time I have to say, in defence of the JW cult there are some really great people in it. It’s seems to be a good place to gather truly great people who have high morals and are trustworthy. Also so welcoming and hospitable it’s so great to have good friends all around the world. Very good place to raise a family with lots of good associations.

    If you are in need the congregation is always there for each other. Far more than any other similar religious group.

    I also see a lot of benefits of studying the Bible and trying to live by it, if is the word of God or not.


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