The best game I ever owned was PONG.
Our first video console was the Binatone TV master, it had a 'rich variety' of games, all of which were really pong with different layouts of bats and walls, LOL. It was awesome.

There have been so many great games that have wasted hours over the years. I remember when we were first married, our dining table was setup with two computers that we used to play Doom and later Quake against each other. Before that we played Tetris on Gameboys (original LCD one, linked with a cable).
I used to play Command & Conquer online quite a lot and like the newer version of RTS such as Company of Heroes 2. I like city building games like Cities: Skylines too and racing sims.
We sometimes fire up old games on a console, something like Rayman, and have competitions against each other. It's quite a fun thing to do with the kids, even though they are not kids anymore I think it's retro for them as they used to play them when they were little.
There have been so many great games over the years, you forget things that you used to play to death. It's incredible what a massive industry it is now - it dwarfs movies and music, and now there are live sports leagues where people earn prize-money of $millions. Insane!