International Conventions, where rules change and those observing think its all so great and wonderful. We had an international Convention in our area about 6 years ago, and some of the performances that were put on from the local congregations made you go "WHAT THE.."? My JW wife was even shocked by one cultural performance that was put on has entertainment, they were doing some dances/performances, where she had written a letter to her work management, explaining that as a JW she could not be involved with that kind of stuff. Then to see it openly performed at a convention and it was announced on stage that it had approval of head office.
Absolutely mind blowing. Wow just wow!!!!!
by joe134cd 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Isn’t that an “old light” song?
You know, though I am shocked, they did an amazing job!
Well, Fwiw.
Melbourne Australia are putting on Matinee and Evening 'shows' of some sorts for the app. 6,000 International delegates at the Melton Assembly Hall in November.
Auditions were held up to some time ago.
Volunteers have also been interviewed recently to help as ushers etc apart from performers.
Melbourne Aust.are having International delegates at the Melton Assembly hall ? How many are they expecting 3,5,10 maybe ?
I remember the 1963? International Convention held at the Melbourne showgrounds when so very ,very , very , few International delegates turned up ,it was an embarrassment.
Maybe back then they had seen the movie "On The Beach" filmed in Melbourne and heard Ava Gardners derogatory comment about Melbourne ,words to the effect that it was a dead city with no life and the ass-hole of the earth.
Just to clarify ,your not saying 6,000 International delegates are expected to attend are you ?
And that the 6,000 are actually OZZie JW`s are to attend with a couple of International visitors if any.right ?
I remember a sister organising a "bible themed" fancy dress party for the kids in my local congregation - the sort of thing on a very small scale where a bible drama was acted out & a few songs were sung in a small village hall with a few snacks afterward. Everybody enjoyed it..
Well - maybe not everyone. Some of the elders were very negative ( one even refused to attend with his family ) and counselled her for spending too much time on the arrangements when really it should be spent in the ministry. They obviously complained to the CO , so a couple of months later during his visit , he made some rather disparaging comments in his local needs talk to the same effect , so nothing was ever organised again. I remember the sister being really upset as very little was done for the young ones in the congregation & she was just trying to make an effort.
Then I see lavish productions such as this , presumably "GB approved" , which must have taken a long time to organise and practice , as well as the cost of the whole exercise. I don't really understand it ( but then - I don't really understand much of the JW religion now - it seems to be a totally different organisation to the one I left a decade ago. )
That's what I read on a JW forum, that is the amount of international guests that has been approved.
JWs from Western Australia have not been invited and they will have their own assembly at their assembly hall. -
Ahahaha!! Wow this is hilarious! So they've pretty much gone Megachurch, desperation shows all over this, and the idiots lapping it up, withe the exception of the older ones, who I've heard are not happy about it, but since the Crap Society knows they will be dying soon, they really don't care.
Where can I find that quote, I think it was said by Tony, it went along the lines of "we don't care if our message is not popular. Jesus never had to make his message attractive"