First, I will agree that China is a filthy country, and communism is why. This filth is why so many are susceptible to diseases. And by "filth", I mean really bad air and water pollution, and lousy living accommodations. This will naturally make what would have been an isolated incident into a pandemic.
And the washtowel can go on all day about this being a sign of the end. What about the plague, which exceeded even the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic? That was a result of xianity itself. They banned cats as "from the Devil". This prevented cats from keeping rat populations in check, making a paradise for fleas (which made the rats' lives miserable as well). The fleas carried the disease. No one thought that keeping the fleas under control, or bringing in cats to keep a lid on the rat population, would keep this plague from destroying 3/4 of Europe.
As with that, all three of the "allowed" religions are holding back science. Without judaism and its offspring filth xianity and islam, we would have cures for these diseases. As soon as one person gets a new virus, someone would find its cure and administer it. Within a day or so, that patient is cured and that virus is extinct. Problem solved. And that goes for non-infectious diseases that are poorly treated with drugs--I don't know what is worse, cancer or the drugs they use to treat it (never cure it, treat it). Better to get these three parasite religions out of the way so science can work on curing such diseases instead of relying on lifelong courses of dangerous drugs that barely work.