Uzzah-It can be a good starting point but really shouldn't be the foundation of any kind of relationship beyond an acquaintance with a shared background. Anything more needs to be deeper.
The girl next door- Congratulations. 12 years is most awesome.
Tameria2001- There was something about him that caused them to click.
In regards your sister dating that guy , its like the jw radar. There is a certain inflection in a jws voice when they are "mentally in" or fresh-ish out. Imo. Or perhaps its just me.
Tam2001-We both officially left the organization at the same time, and I will say it was very nice to have someone close to me that I could talk to about my feelings, and he could do the same with me.
This is what would seem nice to me. So when I talked about my past even in passing of time or pillow talk ect... idk , that's why I'm asking.
In truth, I am not looking for a relationship at this time, but this topic I would like input on and experiences. I don't think it solid foundation for building a relationship on ,but it doesn't seem to hurt at all. I'm super guarded (embarrassed and traumatized) in respect my jw life so I always wondered if that might help with feeling more comfortable.