Remember the sex talks?

by KerryKing 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KerryKing

    I remember sitting through Public talks where the speaker spent the hour discussing in great detail anal sex, masturbation (of yourself and others), sex during menstruation and so on.

    I was a child, looking back now, I realise that they systematically stripped away our childhood innocence, we knew and heard things no 'worldly' child would have heard.

    The child abuse and grooming happened to every single one of us, the feelings of guilt and shame was in all of us even if we didn't actually do anything bad, the mental images caused by these filthy men hung around in our innocent minds till there was no room for that innocence.

    It has taken me 44 years to realise that what was done to us, even those of us not physically abused, is a crime.

    Do they still have talks like that nowadays I wonder?

  • Biahi

    I learned what an orgy was, at 10 years old. In the Kingdom Hall. It is grooming behavior. All the sex talk is unnatural, and inappropriate.

  • Gorb

    So glad we protected our children against

    Better then ever!


  • KerryKing

    My children will never be part of that org, they have heard plenty of arguments against the doctrines now to recognise truth from fiction, thank God 🙏

  • carla

    Do they still have these talks? This was one of the main reasons my kids were never allowed anywhere near a kh. I think it is a criminal offense to expose children to these things. When I have told non jw's about this they (almost all) say something to the effect of, "someone tries to talk to my kids about this crap I would beat the shit out of them!" then they would say, "really? they really talk about this like in a sermon?"

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I was a child, looking back now, I realise that they systematically stripped away our childhood innocence, we knew and heard things no 'worldly' child would have heard.

    I also remember these talks and remember I was a bit troubled by them. I was thinking the same thing: worldly children didn't hear about such things. But then, I remember the pride that I had in the sexuality course in school where they talked about a few things I already knew about.

    My mom was also very open on the subject.

    Now that I'm an adult and dad myself, I look back at all this and think my mom did a great job. I also believe the watchtower did a fairly good job had I been older than 10 year old at the time. I mean, the way the approached the subject is fine by me, but gosh, why in the world would you need hearing about the details when your 5 years old?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    My suspicion was the speakers did research. Also gave ideas.

  • ukpimo

    I do remember them very clearly. The org doesn't appear to mention such 'explicit' talks nowadays, they're probably afraid of how the Internet will expose them even more. Why, they had to create a form 'guidelines for public speakers' to stop all the snotty nosed elders from giving their opinions and crazy ideas and conform more to the universal JW Broadcast bog standard material.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I think the Borg is wary now of the internet.


    Whatever they say now comes back & bites them on the ass.

    Especially talks & publications dissing evolution,,,I digress a bit,,,,but you know.....

    I think the Borg knows that recording devices are everywhere & within minutes of such ridiculous statements its all over the internet making them look like assses!!

  • tenyearsafter
    I remember when they had talks about "unnatural" sex within the marriage arrangement...those ultimately led to disfellowshipping of otherwise loyal JW's. I can only imagine the collateral damage it caused to children hearing this and how they viewed their parents. Disgusting...

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