A Day in the Life of a Police Officer in America - A Play
Police Officer: Sir, you're vehicle's expiration has expired. Please sign this citation stating you promise to appear before the court to answer the allegation of the offense in lieu of being arrested in placed in jail.
Driver: No. I did nothing wrong.
Police Officer: Sir, is their anything I can say or do to get you to sign this citation so I can release you on your own recognizance, that is to say, without paying bail?
Driver: No.
Police Officer: Sir, step out of the car. You are under arrest.
Driver: No. I am not being arrested. I did nothing wrong.
Police Officer: <Opens drivers door and places hand on driver to affect the physical arrest>
Driver: <Resists arrest and assaults officer to prevent arrest>
Police Officer: <Increases use of force to affect the arrest of the driver who is now committing the offenses of Resisting Arrest and Assault on a Police Officer>
Driver: <Starts vehicle, begins driving while dragging the police officer to his impending death>
Police Officer: <Affects the arrest of the driver for the offense of attempted Capitol Murder of a Police Officer by shooting and killing the driver>
Fringes of Society: That police officer just murdered that driver over an expired registration!
The End.
Everyone takes a bow. Showtimes daily.