This YouTuber, an exjw and psychologist, may be familiar to some of the old guard.
I'm posting for newer members really. Yet still, despite being out some time, it was a shock for me to realise that some of the crippling guilt I have felt over so much of my life, even long after being awake, was due to the dominant "conditioned response" I felt as a believer - guilt.
Guilt that I could never do enough. Guilt that I was responsible for the life of anyone I didn't preach to...anyone I may have stumbled, anything I did that wasn't caring for the needs of others.
Even My job I choose to fit in with trying to expunge the guilt I felt at not meeting the needs of others. And can imagine. I was ripe to take the blame for any and all deficiencies or faults/issues my partner had.
Some exjw, or ex members of other controlling religions, never shake the feeling of being judged. This interesting video by Theramin trees says at first people question whether they are really to blame and look at the issue rationally, but when a partner/employer/ whoever - in taking the place of God - doesn't respond to reason, the conditioned person quickly slides into the familiar feeling they know so well. That of being in the wrong and judged for their imperfection.
Theramin trees questions who is really to be judged.....