We looked at this last Sunday. The concept of a book is only a metaphor for God’s memory, since he clearly does not need to write things down . That scriptural illustration is fine as far as it goes but problems arise once they start adding things and making it fit their theology.
The article says that the anointed are in the book…. Ok . Then it says that the great crowd of other sheep are also in , but the goats are not… Now correct me if I missed something but last I heard , the separation of sheep and goats is a future event . No decision has yet been made . So how can he have the names already ?
Of the resurrected, the “righteous “ are in . That’s o k but no one knows who they are. The “unrighteous” are not in , so how can they be resurrected if they are not in God’s memory?
If I took it seriously,, I would be confused……..