Hello Steve and Joy! Consider the kids hugged...and kissed...we put up a "kissing ball" this year and the kids are having great fun standing under it...especially Sean...you just gotta love it!
Just checking in .....
by BobsGirl 13 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Bob'sGirl! Good to see you around. I've never really considered myself an old-timer, but as internet DBs go, I guess I am.
Glad you're doing well!
Hiya Bob and Tema and Noah! We've missed you guys very much, and hope to be able to see you soon. We just got back from our vacation to Negril, and we'd love to share our pics with you because we fell in love with it! I hope all is well with you guys, and that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love you guys muchisimo!
Becky and Jon
PS. HI Michelle and family! I hope all is well with you guys also. Love you lots.
(((((Becky))))) We are all getting together tonight and we will definitely miss seeing you! Hey even your old friend Kim P. will be here along with Ken T. and quite a few others. You should give us a call around 8:00 and just say hi!
Are you coming into town for the holidays at all? Maybe we could get together if you are!
Keep in touch,