I was a winner!!

by morty 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans

    You rich Apostate!

  • morty

    Jessymay.....Thanks a million

    Bebu....Yes, I was happy about the easy question as well, since I had only been up for 5 min....No coffee or nothing....Just a phone ringing every 2 seconds of my family and friends telling me my name was drawn and I had 10 mins to phone...Telephone 2...thanks..

    Kg.....Thanks, but we dont pay taxes here on our winnings...

    Beans....Far cry from rich, but comfy for x-mas..Thanks..Shopping 2a shopping I will go, a shopping I will go

  • orangefatcat

    Christmas has come early for you Morty. Spent it with a glee in you heart.

    May you have a great Christmas.All the very best, Love


  • bikerchic

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    How awesome! Enjoy!


  • pettygrudger

    Wow ((((MIchelle)))) - That's wonderful!!!! Enjoy shopping today! Do you have to reinterview w/the T.V. station and show them all the loot you got?

    heehee - I bet the boys lists got about 5x larger when they found out aye? Just remember - Mommy & Daddy deserve special xmas treats too - (I know left to your own devices you'd selflessly give it all to the boys!)\

    Enjoy the day Morty - and let us know how it went!

  • smurfy


  • morty

    Thanks Fat-Cat.....X-mas did come early for us....

    Bikerchic....Thanks...and for the cute reindeer and lights, they are special....merry-x-masChristmas Angel

    Petty....No Interview for me...They just want pictures to post on there web page I think....And yes there will be extra treats for mom and dad this year too....Has far as me giving all to the boys, they were sooooo honest and cute about their feelings about the winnings....They were acting like we won the lotto..lol..But I have to say, they were so good, about what they wanted to do with it...First of all they told me, "Mom we want you to pick the first think you want, and get something that you really want, not just because you want to get us something more" I was very touched by this, and it dawned on me, my kids are turning out like I wanted, NOT SELFISH.....I did go right some where for being a young mom and raising them on my own for the first 5 years of their lives.....They asked if they could spend 200.00 hundred dollars of it at Toys R Us....And I said "yes" why? They want to go and buy 200.00 worth of toys for the kids in a home, here in town for Big Brothers....I was so touched Rhonda, I cryed.....Anyways, tonight is the night we are going shopping, I am excited and the kids are as well....I went over to the Big Brothers home to see what they really needed there.....The guidence folks in there were also touched by my childrens giving...We are going to give the home a Play Station 2....This I find even more heart wrenching for me because my boys do not have this and wanted it soo bad, but did not even bat a eye, when I told them,that this is what the home wanted....They just said " well at least some kids will be very happy for Christmas, If they dont have their mom and dad, then they will have some awsome games to keep their mind off of it"...My kids do know the true meaning of Christmas now.....I am so glad they do know what it is all about....

    Merry Christmas RhondaGirl Angel

    Smurfy....awww, thanks......WELCOME to the board.....When your ready, I would love for you to share your story with us....Christmas Tree

  • shera

    Hows the shopping doing?

  • Cassiline

    Congrats Morton!!

    lol at the question. I can see it now, I would have forgotton my number ot transposed it.


  • morty

    Shera.....the shopping is on a great start....It has been alot of fun....what did you need again?...lol...I am running out of things to buy..

    Cass....Its called a brain cramp...lol...or has my oldest says " a brain fart"...lol...thanks

    And just a little update....

    We made a purchase for the Big Brothers in our town last night....We did buy them a new Play Station 2 for their home....it will stay in the house for the kids to play when they are there....I was very touched to watch my children wrap it today and walk it across town to drop it off to them.....( they donot have one themselfs, but wanted to donate it to them...)

    What a remarkable feeling I have come over me, to know that my kids have a heart of gold to share......I have done something right with their upbringing, and it had nothing to do with the JWS ways all all...I am just so proud of them right now...


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