There's every reason to believe the Watchtower watches this place and similar ones around the globe. They tell Witnesses the internet is evil but they watch what goes on here. They are true hypocrites! They use "theocratic strategy" to lie, fool and disarm all those that they believe are against them.They will use "plants" to disrupt things here and glean information on the "battle". Knowing how this "organization" operates should impel us to be careful as to how we express personal information here. It should keep us realizing that some unscrupulous individuals will always try to infiltrate this community. We should not become paranoid and accusatory toward everyone. But we should "test" out those that may be suspicious or not speak with the "ring of truth". I think if we notice inconsistencies by some posters, we should address it. If the posters in question will not provide reasonable, TRUTHFUL answers, we should know about it. ....Who knows if some questionable ones are trying to extract information from us by emails or pms? Who knows what the Watchtower Society or some renegade elder has up their sleeve?
The Dangers Of The Internet In The Watchtower's Hands
by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends
What you say is true .. however, if you look at this board and the utter lack of defense of Watchtowerism on it, a change
can be observed. The aggressive defense of doctrine is gone. The fervor to "uphold the truth" has vanished.
They have pulled their heads into their shells and hide. They left these venues - defeated.
There is a greater danger to them in exposing any Witness - even apologists - to information found on the internet.
I am cautious who I talk to at first but it doesn't take very many posts to figure out where a person's head is.. the really sad thing is I trust JWs less than I trust anyone else. So I make sure someone isn't a JW any more before opening up to them.. before allowing a foundation of trust to build.. (any current JWs who would try to contact me, would do so to set a trap for me in order for grounds to get me dfd for posting here- it is not that I do not like JWs)
and the WTS is correct that it is a danger to them as far as the possibility of losing members who surf the internet. They warn them not to read apostate information on here. Of course they don't want people to read what is out here. One might be enlightened..
and the association.. well they are right.. if you do associate with NON JWS and you are one... you might get tempted to meet someone.. might make friends.. hell you might even meet someone in a chatroom and arrange a in real life meeting and woooaaa have sex with them .shhhhhh... don't tell..
Hey guys -- I admit to still being a JW and would not be offended if any of you do not trust me -- I was paranoid at first but have rapidly come to the point where I do not give a shit anymore if my identity is discovered. I am going to privately reveal who I am to a moderator or Simon or both and then you can all check up on me via them
franklin J
Some of us are beyond their ability to threaten. The WTBTS is nothing more (to those of us who have distanced it in our lives) than Ed Mcmahon and his "clearing house sweepstakes" claims. ( aren't you tired of seeing those TV commercials?) Do you know of anyone who ever won that sweepstakes? Do you know of anyone who has ever lived forever?
I remember when I was newly "outside the organization", and struggling emotionaly, spiritually and mentally to make sense and direction of my life. It was a difficult time and there was no forum such as this to come for encouragement. But I did survive, and my life moved on. For those posting who are in that position, remember to not look back at what the WT offered, because it is not in YOUR best interest. And most importantly, the WTBTS cannot harm us unless we "empower" them to do so.
It is, quite simply, all in our minds. They do not have any teeth, like a secular government, no guns, police or soldiers. They cannot force us to do anything we do not want to do. So when you see it from that perspective; you realize that you must move forward and beyond their ability to influence. I am sorry for those who have loved ones or families who still believe, it is a difficult situation, and I can offer encouragement for them.
And yes, I agree with you that there are "plants" on this forum from WT, I am not surprised that they do not have more theocratic things to do. And I do not doubt that they are counting time with it too. I do not think they are interested in parties like me--I am beyond their interest But I do believe they are "netting" for prospects.
Funny, that they would resort to lurking or even "masquerading" as a poster ; sort of justifies their own penchant for espionage and their belief that the whole world wants to persecute them for their faith; etc. When really, the whole world just considers them another middle tier, meddling religion; to be tolerated like so many others.
So for those who could get snared in their net; and this being an anonymous forum ( for some) ; discretion is prudent.
"...I have learned the Truth, and the Truth has set me free...."
Who cares what can they really do if you dont let them.
If someone thinks that there are plants from the tower on this site, I think they should be "outed'. Unless this is pure speculation, I think those of us who have something to lose by being snared by the borg have a right to know exactly who these supposed plants are, especially if we have contributed to this board for a length of time. Are these vague references to trolls and Watchtower plants of any validity? In other words...I'd like to know who they are if it's true. If there are these posters out there, what would be the purpose in not taking them to task?
Thanks for any input,
I am not sure who is a "troll" or a "fake". All I am saying is that if there's someone trying to decieve us for whatever reason, we should be aware of it. Even if WE knew that the WT. cannot tell us what to do, there are plenty of would-be and current posters that don't appreciate that yet. They should be made aware of "sheep in wolves clothing".
They should be made aware of "sheep in wolves clothing". I love it --using their favorite phrase too. LOL
I've come to the conclusion that when posters are questioned about something THEY say and then refuse to explain but continue to sidestep and dance around the issues, they're probably not who they say they are. They usually don't want to answer because they know they'll be exposed for being a fraud.