Several years ago I started a thread on this forum in which I asserted I had NOT seen Witnesses door-knocking in my village for at least two or so years. Years before that - in pre-trolley times - in going about my business (or pleasure), I'd catch sight of them on the streets as they shuffled in their groups from door-to-door: Sometimes there'd be contingents of Witnesses, including young couples, parents and their kids and middle-aged and older ones. In other words, a good cross-section of ages and stages in life.
In fact, I can remember times when Witnesses were so visible in numbers when going out in their car groups, you literally couldn't escape them.
Then, in more recent years, I've seen very, very little...if not anything (and I count myself sensitive to noting whether JWs are out and about).
Until a few months ago....
I can now report that TWICE in recent months JWs have been door-knocking in my locality - although so far they haven't reached my address. There are two striking things about the Witnesses I have seen in my locality:
1. How few in number they are and 2. How old they are. In contrast to a few years ago, there is no age variability and their numbers fewer. I have not seen young couples, parents with children or even young Witnesses.
What have you noticed in your locality? Any shift in the frequency of door-knocking, numbers door-knocking and/or age groups of those doing "the work" (excluding the trolley work)?