So many are waking up. Pandemic gave jws time to think.

by pistolpete 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pistolpete

    This is not about stats, but "actual experiences" happening world wide in the organization.

    There is about 156 comments of what some jws are seeing in their congregation. Feel free to read and come to your own conclusion on whether the Watchtower Organization is turning PIMO but no one says anything in order to keep family relations. .

  • DesirousOfChange

    Thanks for that link, Pete.

    Very revealing!

  • truth_b_known

    This makes sense to me. My father who is PIMI shared with me back when I first started my fade that typically Witnesses who become inactive and stop attending meetings rarely return. I wish I remember his exact statement as his wording made sense. It had something to do with a person's way of thinking.

    What my father didn't realize what he was actually sayings was "The more time you spend away from Witness activities the more you will see the truth about the Truth."

  • pistolpete

    What my father didn't realize what he was actually sayings was "The more time you spend away from Witness activities the more you will see the truth about the Truth."

    Almost two years without Kingdom hall meetings, conventions, and field service.

    It gives JWs some time to reflect.

    If it was truly the last days, why would Jehovah allow the door to door preaching work to come to a halt?

    If the last days called for meeting together all the more so as as we see the end drawing close, why would Jehovah allow ALL the Kingdom Halls to shut down WORLD WIDE?

    Add all the child sex abuse exposure and what do you get..............

    6 or 7 Million PIMOS!

    Remember Stats publish by the Watchtower does not Consider PIMOS.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    "So many are waking up..."

    We had the visit of the CO & his wife about a month ago. Ordinarily in this congregation I'm affiliated with of the 80 participants on zoom its 50/50...50% with camera on & 50% with camera off. You'd think out of respect for this CO & the wife of the CO more would of had their camera 80/20...nope still 50% on & 50% off. More & more JWs are giving a shit about the 'Ocho Loco' or put another way...'Loco Ocho'!

    Did I hear you ask: What is 'Ocho Loco'?

    In the Latin communities and Countries it's lingo for WT's 8 GB leaders...'Crazy Eight'! In other words in the Latin community reverence and recognition for the GB being God's chosen mouthpiece is rapidly disappearing!

    Back to the visit of the CO...I'm sure in the CO's report to 'Mother' he's obliged to include the number of participants & % of cameras' on. Me thinks...not only the CO but Bethel higher-ups are concerned as well about lack of interest pertaining to zoom meetings.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The one comment mentions real worship instead of boring same old.

    The only church I see is funerals. I can contrast the various things, even if I do not agree.

    A mention of the horrid songs, sung off key on the videos.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Almost two years without Kingdom hall meetings, conventions, and field service.

    It gives JWs some time to reflect.

    I also think that the isolation/lockdowns have given people a lot of time on their hands and much of it has been spent sitting at a computer. When they tire of Netflix and look for something interesting on Google it's easy to have some "anti-JW" pop up with all the JW things of interest they might be searching for.

    It only takes one domino.

    Dominoes falling - Florida Politics - Campaigns & Elections. Lobbying &  Government.

  • asp59

    Not strange with overlappning generation, we are not inspired, GB members look like they have serious mental problems or drinking, russia thing, selling of KHs, only children of jw getting Into the org, removing congregations, Always wanting money, convid shutting down meetings or preaching. If you are pimo You gonna think this a cult. If You have been long time in org and compare to other times, you gonna think that was it, this organisation lost Gods approval and it's not gonna be around.

  • LongHairGal


    I’m glad so many JWs are waking up in this pandemic.

    As far as many of those Zoom cameras being turned serves the religion right for causing problems for people either because they weren’t ‘dressed right’ or some other aspect of their appearance. In some instances unwanted comments were made about something hanging on somebody’s wall - in THEIR own house no less. That was probably the last straw for some people!

    I knew from the start this Zoom thing would not necessarily be well received because it is actually an intrusion into peoples’ homes. When somebody went to the hall and then came home, they closed the door and had privacy. Not so with Zoom. This also means a JW can’t ‘hide’ or get a break anymore. Some intrusive idiots imagine a person should always be available because they are presumed to be home in the pandemic. Q: “Brother, why didn’t you answer us?” A: “Because I was in the bathroom!”

    Really now. This has gone far enough!

  • nowwhat?
    Due to so many turning their cameras off. I bet the org will allow brothers to just wear a collared shirt and sisters an appropriate top. Unless they have a part

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