This site should be called Anti-Jehovahs-Witnesses Cry-babies

by the-Question 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Downtowner

    the-Question you better run away because if you're caught you'll face a judicial committee for talking with apostates. I know who you are, what congregation you attend, and I will rate you out as the mouse you really are. BTW, thanks for the lovely night last summer! I promise I won't tell anyone you're a homo.


    Your name should be "Insensitive F***tard."

    Screw you.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    This site should be called Anti-Jehovahs-Witnesses Cry-babies

    Actually this site should be called Occasionally an Asshole Shows Up.

  • no-zombie

    You know what Question ... you are worthless piece of shit. You've just insulted every victim of sexual child abuse and their partners, that's ever been part of the Organization. What you fail to realize is that this site is perhaps one of the few places that people could turn to regain a little composure from what what has happened to them or the ones they love within the supposedly holly walls of the Kingdom Hall. And one day, when you love someone more that you do yourself, you might understand how wrong you've really been today.


    I just "liked" you a shit-ton!!!


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The Question: Beware, "Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it"......Please do more research my friend and then come back.....

  • Finkelstein
  • Gorbatchov

    It might be, the Question is somewere he is not allowed to be.

    It might be he goes right against the counsel to avoid websites like this one.

    The Question, I think it's better for you to take a trolley and stand somewere then making noise here.

    Don't call us, we call you.


  • zeb

    Dear whatever you are,

    If you are interested in this 607 thing then please read the book "The Gentile Times Reconsidered" x Jonnson. You will learn a great deal of J scholarship and to me more importantly the way he was treated by the gb for his findings.

    They do not like anything that has the tiniest tiniest whiff of criticism.

    Please take the time and look at the footage from the Australian Royal Commission on Child abuse dealing the Jehovah's witnesses ( case 29).

    and for all of you outside any British Commonwealth country go look at Wikipedia to see what a 'Royal Commission" is and how it is brought into being.


    sparky1 - Hurry up on the John ..........................I need to go as well !

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