Thunder's Blunders 2

by Thunder Rider 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Sing along with me:

    Thunder got run over by his own truck.......

    Well, Thunder is hurtin for certain. He can hardly move and is bruised and battered

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I appreciate the words of sympathy. I really do. Please however feel free to laugh youor asses off at the visual your mind must have painted. I am.


  • gumby
    I figure to be sore all over tomorrow

    Ah yes........just one more reason to down a bottle of your favorite spirits and have Shelia give you a body massage.

    What I really want to know now is........will those big arms of yours ever be the same again?


  • SheilaM

    Gumby: Fear not he is bruised and battered but the arms are fine. I have never seen him bruise like this though so it must have been a hell of a jolt to his arm

  • little witch
    little witch

    Sheila and Thunder,

    I don't mean to pry or be a worry wort, but I noted that you mention that hubby doesn't usually bruise.

    Sudden bruising can be a sign of lupus (not unheard of in men, though rare) and of an iron deficiency.

    You might want to have that checked ok?

  • SheilaM

    They did say his iron was low and his blood pressure high when we gave blood last week.I just thought maybe the impact was hard enought that it could have bruised. Funny I just put him on vitamins he is walking and everything but now his iron is off etc.

    Thanks LW for watching out for my Thunder

  • little witch
    little witch

    You are welcome hun.

    BTW, We were just at wal-mart and you know those self-test blood pressure machines?

    My hubby registered high...So he will prolly need to get on meds....sigh....and we do not have insurance!

  • little witch
    little witch


    You have a PM

  • SheilaM

    LW: Neither do we Because one registers high once does that indicate meds always. He went to Eckerd this morning and it was normal range again, could his being stressed about our daughter have caused the high reading?

    Sorry to hear that you may have to put him on meds. I found Sams has the least expensive for my meds

  • little witch
    little witch

    Yes, stress can cause high readings...Glad to hear his is back down!

    Don has had several high readings. HBP runs in his family too, so It is off to the doc for him....

    He has the flu too BTW (despite having had the vaccine). The Fugi strain isnt included (which is what everyone is getting) So I don't understand why in the world the CDC is pushing the public to get the shots. More money for the pharmacuticals I guess. Grrrrrrr.

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