2004 yb. A Letter From the Governing Body.

by Blueblades 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf
    Empowered by holy spirit,God's people have displayed Christlike love,overcoming hatred worldwide,Such love was evident at our conventions.

    Hate begats hate. No brainer Ted. Such spin is transparent. You and the Boys should WITNESS your 'dedicated members' in yahoo chat sometime. WT has taught them HOW to hate very well. Hate begats hate.

    realizing that each human has the opportunity to benefit from the ransom provision.

    Insulting and patronizing Ted. As if!! LOLOLOL (Did you see that ONE PB?...LOLOLOL...he is a hoot, ain't he?)

    dedication by water baptism during the past service year! Although your support of God's Kingdom ...

    Ah yes, 'SUPPORT of GODS KINGDOM'. LOLOLOLOL Again Ted, hilarious insults to the intelligence. Oh wait!! That is right, wt litterature is NOT for intelligent people. My bad. These readers of WT KRAP have no Klue what 'support for gods kingdom' REALLY stands for. That is what is Banked on.

    made you special targets of Satan's hatred,it has also made you special recipients of Jehovah's blessing and spiritual protection as you run the race that is set before you

    Now this is EXACTLY what I can say as fact that I too deal with when 'handling' jws in yahoo chat. The persecution I endure there by jws is incredible. They hate me. Hate begats hate Ted. Yet I am not one to be intimidated, and so I keep bringing the url's, everyday. They hate it. WE hate it (wtorg).

    So, who's hate is more 'justified'?

    sKally, bite me hard ted jaracz klass

  • fearnotruth22

    Do not for get to remmember the "Golden Rule" which states, He who has the gold makes the rules.

  • Morisco

    What the Society means by children setting 'spiritual goals' is going to Bethel, living on $14 a month pimping publications and 'live forever' spiel, kissing up to the Governing Body, and finally leaving Bethel to go back to the working world with no college education, no critical thinking skills, nothing with 'real world' application to show for Bethel service, and through this all expecting to survive and support a family with 'prayers and hope.'

    Nice. Real nice.

  • Mystery

    My 17-year-old niece is preparing herself to go to Bethel. 1) regular pioneering 2) trying to find a trade so that they will accept her. She graduated from home school at 16. She has no social skills. Her grammar is atrocious. She is one ?of the children? setting 'spiritual goals' to live for HIM/THEM! It really sickens and saddens me.

  • Momofmany
    I am wondering if this book "Learn From the Great Teacher" is like the old pink "Great Teacher" book. Has anybody here seen it?

    I have a copy of the new book. I was told it was for children 2 and up. No it is not. My 3 yo does not need to learn about "someone may rub your sex organs. Or they will even rub their sex organs against yours" Sorry, but sex ed is what I teach my kids, not what they read at the age of 3, or 6 or 7 from a book about Jesus.

    Yes, it is a horrible crime. But I wonder if they ony put this in their book so they can say, see this is what we really believe. Not to protect my children. My children learn from me. I just think they crossed this and a few other lines with this publication.

    Just my 2 cents.

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