Waiting on this hyper-abomination only serves to allow that thing to let you languish, keeping all the problems it caused going, and you will simply SHUT UP about it while it harvests your soul. You are waiting, and that which you are waiting for never shows up at all. A complete waste of your time and resources.
Waiting On Jehovah First Mentioned?
by Ron.W. 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I’m glad you left, too, Gorby!
Hi there's a 1959 Watchtower pamphlet called "Look! I am making all things new!" that mentions waiting on Jehovah.
Although Drearyweather is correct in that the Bible is the original source of the JW concept of having a "waiting attitude".
Ron W.: good question--nice thread!
Diongsis: thanks for the ref. to the '59 booklet. I wonder how much or how frequently it occurred in the WTS pubs before the NWT appeared. Apparently in 1953 Fred Franz repeated the old KJV rendering at Gen 49:18 where the speaker Jacob uses the phrase when blessing Dan. But it is biggest in the Psalms (for example, 42:5, 11; 43:5; 62:5, etc.). It also appears at 2 Kings 6:33 in a bad way. Perhaps it was some common idiom in Israelite/Jewish society even without God being involved (Job 14:14)? It looks like it was a regular way Jews viewed their God: hang in there, even for a long time, until God intervenes. The concept seems to lie behind the people's expression, "God has turned his attention to his people," after Jesus resurrects the son of the widow of Nain (Luke 7:16).
In the modern Witness world it's not the sort of expression that is taught to newbies, but it's one of those many concepts that one is supposed to learn as one "matures" in the org. There are so many of those!
SBF: the ref. to the exact song and which songbook might be helpful in dating the expression, esp. if it's a song that was carried over from an earlier songbook.
Bill Covert
That became mainstream in the late 1980's. It along with "god will handle it" when elders didn't want or they were not able to judicially handle real crime.
It was part of a package deal that was brought into being in 1984 when the church instituted the "obedience to the organization mantra". This in direct response to 1975. The years 1980-83 were pivotal as the church was a ship without a rudder, there was no one with the fertile mind of Fred Franz to concoct a narrative that could keep Matt. 24:34 going. Prior to 1984 there was no "apostate" there was no "shunning. Prior to 1984 the church did not derive their cash flow from Kingdom Hall loan interest payments. Prior to 1984 the church did not steal ownership of Kingdom Hall by stating it was dedicated to Jehovah.
The Master delayed in 1975"! The "slave" changed Matt.24: 48-51.
The phrases "wait on god", "god will handle it" are all a part of a pyramid management style where the top tier are unable to feed and care for their flock in that they are not inspired of higher thinking. Unable to concoct a narrative of Matt. 24: 34 to bridge 1975 the church rather than confess they were FOS on their prophesying. In about 1983 conspired to shut down minds and take the minds into captivity by applying the words of Dr. Joseph Goebbels "people will believe a lie if said loud and frequent"! Obey the Organization!
I watched that happen. I watched how a swindler controlled a whole a whole city because the elders were terrified of "wolves" Acts 20: 28-30. In 1989 I tried to get my sons to see the road the church was taking the people, to no avail.
To understand the conspiracy to shut down minds and take them into captivity is to understand a package deal was brought into being in about 1984. That the invention of a "new" enemy "the apostate" [or Jew in Goebbels case], invent the policy of "shunning" to isolate the enemy from speaking out against "a wicked slave". These did not exist prior to 1984.
The key to open that revelation is the 1987 Sept.1 Wt article "A Time to Speak when?" paragraph 6,7 when set next to the 2013 RNWT revision of Lev.5:1. This article was a finely crafted deception to fabricate a hunting license to ferret out apostates. This article has nothing to do with revealing medical confidentiality, it has everything to do with bringing into being a Gestapo informant policy for the purpose of ferreting out apostates! The only way to come to that understanding is to realize that; obedience to organization mantra, the new enemy the "apostate", the "shunning" and the Gestapo informant policy were ALL a package deal, they All came into being at the same time!
Rank and file are made to believe that only high up elders can say this and only they have the clout to use this. If it’s something involving the org or the elders then just leave it let’s wait on Jehovah.
what if it’s something the elders are investigating to do with a publisher? Can the publisher not answer their invasive questions and just tell the elders “let’s leave it In Jehovahs hands, let’s wait on Jehovah!”
Also, when issues with the brothers and sisters arise or there is a media report about a negativity, the catch phrase is" wait on Jehovah, He will take care of it". But if you are the one having the issue, it's damn hard to hear that, knowing the elders are not doing their job in reporting to local authorities, depending on what has happened. Or a brother has run off with your money, or your wife, and so on. It's their way out when they do not know what to do... Blame it on the rain.
The Master delayed in 1975"! The "slave" changed Matt.24: 48-51.
Absolutely Bill Covert. Very Astute observations.
Bill Covert
What people don't know is that; obedience to the organization, invention of new enemy "the apostate", the "shunning policy", the deception of Lev.5:1 to fabricate a hunting license to ferret out apostates, was all a package deal.
It was a well thought out "snare" to hold families hostage. It was a true conspiracy in 1983, as the "obedience mantra began in 1984.