That IRA money would have been thrown in the street. You were supposed to donate it so some CO could brag about all his vacations without ever working
What was the retirement plans you heard brothers talk about if any
by JimmyYoung 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pete Zahut
I’ll retire in the grave. What’s life without working?
True, being retired isn't the key to happiness but for those who's health is failing or who aren't able to go at the pace they once did, it's good to have that option.
Also, one can pursue work in a field that they enjoy more or in a location they prefer, without necessarily having to make a lot of money at first.
It's all about having options if and when you need them.
stan livedeath
i'm happily retired. ive had some really shit jobs in my time. the things we have to do to earn a crust.
Nice to know you’re also happily retired. I also know how hard it was earning a living - but I’m glad you’re seeing the payoff.👍🏻
As for all the Witnesses who criticized me and sat in car groups listening to gossip and going on coffee breaks while I was busting my ass earning a living - I’m GLAD I did what I did!!!
I never learned a thing from any active witness about how to plan for retirement. My financial literacy came from reading books and listening to financial gurus. The Jehovah's Witness religion is irresponsible in advocating that their followers not plan for the future but rather rely on god.
I sold my partnership interest in my business when I was 47 years old and semi retired.
I lent back some working capital to the new owners and have been receiving monthly interest only installments ever since. I get my full capital investment back when they sell the business.
I will receive 80 to 85 % of the MAXIMUM for social security depending on when I apply for it.
I have a 401k plan in place as I work part time in my old company. The plan is in American Funds.
I have a personal ROTH IRA at JANUS-HENDERSON.
I have an Annuity at MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA.
I have a brokerage account at FIDELITY.
I have $$$ invested in laddered CD'S that pay me dividends on a monthly basis.
Not one Witness ever, ever, ever gave me advice on how to plan for retirement. It's a good thing. If I had listened to any one of them I would probably be broke right now.
Again, it’s a good thing you listened to your own common sense. My God, if we listened to them we’d be screwed.
What makes me particularly angry:.those older people in the congregation pushing poverty for young people were retirees OR women with a ‘worldly’ husband who provided a cushy life....When I looked closer....ALL of the elderly Witnesses in the halls (who would be near 90 now) ALL spent time in the workforce and were collecting their pension!!!
So, where did this NONSENSE of preaching poverty and being against secular jobs and saving for retirement come from???.. I wonder if it was a post-1975 mentality (I came in a few years later).
I’m forever grateful I listened to my gut and the wisdom of my non-JW Dad...The phonies in the kingdom hall certainly weren’t looking out for MY welfare!