Has Anyone Had any JWs PHYSICALLY Put Their Hands On You (And Not Within A Family Unit Situation)?

by HiddlesWife 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • HiddlesWife

    I was asking the above question because a POMO friend of my family told me about an incident involving her and a couple of dubs who were physically abusive in the past.

    A single sister who was running around from one cong to another cong looking for a husband. She was visiting my friend's cong for less than a year. There was a Commuter Bethellite bro who was very friendly towards my friend (which I'll call her "Q") and her fam members. This sister zeroed in on the friendly relationship Q and the bro had. Each time Q and the bro would conversate, this chick would try to interrupt them on a constant basis. It got so bad to the point that the girl would start arguments and was very confrontational to Q at every meeting and in field circus. In fact, she suddenly ran up to Q and shoved her, causing Q to fall down and scrape her knees! The cong's BOE was told since this was seen by a few other dubs. After the bitch saw that she was caught and an elduh or 2 was doing to speak with her, she left and was never heard from again.

    Another incident was when a local-yocol brother tried to verbally harass one of Q's female cousins. He was pestering her because he wanted to date her. Q's cuz (I'll call her "Z") informed him that she was not interested in him. This happened for approximately 3 years. Z's parents [mother was PIMI and father was VZ (Visitor: a person who studied with the dubs, attended some KH meetings, CAs and RCs but did not progress to dedication nor baptism)] also informed him that their daughter was not interested and warned him to stay away from her. This bastard started yelling and pulled Z by her elbow. Q and Q's brother (now DA'd) pulled her back. He approached them and yelled in the male cousin's face but pushed Q down on the floor of the KH! The cong's BOE brought the MFer into a backroom meeting; unfortunately, very little was done about the fact that the freak physically harmed Q. A month or 2 later, Q's family along with Z's family left and changed congs.

    I know that this is a long-drawn-out thread, but did anyone have encounters with CRAZY, MANIACAL dubs while you were in the cultcorporation?

  • Simon

    That read a bit like a Bond novel.

    Just take the "dub" part out and you have regular people doing regular dysfunctional people stuff. Not sure what the JW influence is meant to do, if anything, because they don't promote that sort of behavior.

    They just sound like dysfunctional people, the sort that would be on daytime TV talk / fight shows.

  • Rivergang

    What Simon observed.

    JWs are no more immune from that sort of thing than anybody else. (I have heard of some very fiery rows breaking out in the Australian branch office).

  • ozziepost

    Well it happened to me!

    I was shoved aside on my own property by a (so-called) elder.

    In terms of their beliefs it becomes acceptable behaviour, after all, they imagine they’re doing it to the evil one, Satan, who they believe I’m a follower of and so anything is allowable.

  • Zilgee

    I too was pursued by a brother who was very much older to me. When I and my family told NO, he bought a false case against my father. When the case failed, he took help of many others in the congregation to complain. It went so bad that one of them pushed my dad right at the meeting. We moved to another congregation because I could not take risk but the trouble did not stop. They poisoned the witnesses even there. Now I am out and enjoying the freedom. Family is slowly moving out too except for my mother.

  • joe134cd

    I knew of 2 incident where so called brothers who worked secularly end up having a fist fight. TBH both incidents involved newish JW converts, and all were highly disfunctional, and probably would of had a fight weather they were JWs, or not.

  • Smiles

    Has Anyone Had any JWs PHYSICALLY Put Their Hands On You (And Not Within A Family Unit Situation)?


  • WingCommander

    Does school bullying count? The worst school bully I ever had at age 10, was a new 13-yr old who's family had moved into our Congregation from another state. He put on the "perfect angel" front at the Kingdumb Hell, but at school was so bad he'd make the "worldly" kids blush! He was also totally resentful that I was a "good" JW kid. Did I mention he (at age 13) was in my (age 10) 4th grade class? He was NOT dumb. He was just that far behind from moving around probably.

    He hated that I was good, and made my life hell by beating the shit out of me, getting the other school bullies to join in, etc. It was so bad my parents took photos of my bruises as evidence, held meetings at the school (useless!) and finally, made a meeting with his parents at our Kingdumb Hell.

    My naive, 10-yr old self thought, "Finally! Jehovah will intervene and help me."

    So we get to the KH one Saturday for this "meeting of families." Did I mention that even though I attended this KH my entire life, my father was just a "regular JW", and this bully's dad was an MS? So.....yeah. Anyway, all I remember from this "meeting" was that basically it was said that "....well, HE must be doing SOMETHING to provoke our son to hit him like that." Basically, I was victim-blamed/shamed for my own beatings at school. Then, Choir-boy was made to give some phony apology, and then I was FORCED to not only forgive my abuser, but HUG HIM in the back room. I had tears in my eyes, but only because I was so mentally anguished from this injustice that I couldn't believe what was happening. This sick fuck not only got away with this abuse, I was forced to forgive and HUG HIM. Talk about enabling bad behavior!

    My father, being a Vietnam Vet, I was told later did tell this boy's father about the photos he had of my bruises, and that if it didn't stop immediately, he'd be going to the police. However, it was the end of the school year and I was done having to see this sick fuck anyway. By chance, we never shared any more classes together and they moved again a year later. Gee, I wonder why? Abusive POS! Did I mention the stress of that year of bullying, led to me developing an eating disorder wherein I got so thin my mother (an RN!) threatened to take me to the hospital if I didn't start eating? Fun times!

    Several years later, I was attending the Memorial at another Congregation. I was in the bathroom stall before it started, when who should walk in but this bully and his buddies. This was 6 years later, so he'd be 19. What was the topic of discussion between him and his buddies? Why, openly talking about which sister's pussy that'd like to hit. No lie.....very vulgar language, at THE MEMORIAL. They didn't know I was in the stall. I was floored. Same POS, just older now.

    Up until age 10, I was a born-in, true-blue believing little JW. I prayed regularly, believed God would help and protect me, believed it ALL. After this year of HELL, I was basically "woke up." I saw that my so-called "worldly" classmates were my REAL friends, and the JW's were a toxic group of users and abusers, and they'd say and do anything to cover their own asses, and GOD wasn't going to step in and stop jack-shit! In essence, I had my huge Red Flag moment (first of many) and by age 16 I was pretty much done. After age 10 I didn't go in FS, I didn't ever raise my hand or participate, never joined the school.

    I was guilted by my parents to study the Greatest Man book at age 13 with a trusted family friend and Elduh, who also was one of the 144,000. Basically a local celebrity. He had a large family. I studied the book with him (alone in my home),but never progressed to baptism. (I was too smart for that) I found out 20 years later, that this respected Elduh had raped his sisters growing up, and had also molested most (if not all) of his children. When the wife found out, she promptly divorced him, but no one knew why and she was DF'd and made out to be a Jezebel! The Elduh? Well, he was never reported to the police, and was also shuffled away to another Congregation where's he's not only in good standing, no one knows a damn thing about him. He's never seen a jail cell, unlike his one son who was convicted several times of possessing child pornography and is in the State Penn for 25+ years.

    So yeah......this "Organization" is a toxic, abusive, victim-shaming, pedo-protecting CULT.

    Fuck these gaslighting pieces of shit and them putting their hands on you.

  • Biahi

    Wing Commander, I’m so sorry! I hate hearing about kids suffering in this evil so called “religion “. 🙏

  • HiddlesWife

    Wow, Wing Commander, you endured/experienced (sorry and excuse these 2 BorgTerms) a great deal within this cultcorporation. If this Fer was outside of it, he would have undoubtedly had this azz handed to him! It's really good that you are out and away from this evil organization!

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