Ponderings of a Worldly Person

by Nevuela 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nevuela

    35-year-old female in California here. Never a JW, but have had Bible studies and attended several meetings and even a convention once. I've always been agnostic with leanings toward the belief in some deity or other, although the more I learned from the JW's, the more I've learned to doubt, not just their teachings, but the fundamental teachings of all religions. Despite this, I find myself talking to "God" constantly (along with various deceased loved ones, but then who doesn't?).

    I have a few friends who are in the org, including my sixty-something roommate who was recently "anointed." Interestingly enough, before she announced it earlier this year, I often thought about the 144,000 and firmly believed that if anyone alive today should be part of the remnant, it was my roommate, who is, aside from my late mother, the kindest, most compassionate and understanding person I have ever known. You would never guess her to be a JW.

    Needless to say, when she announced her calling, I was stunned, but still not convinced. It's kind of difficult to take what she says seriously when she's one of those people who KNOWS the Illuminati are planning to decimate the population and take over what is left of the world, and are slowly killing us with everything from chem-trails and GMOs to vaccines and fluoride in the water. I personally don't know what to believe. I don't doubt that there are some groups out there deliberately trying to take over and/or destroy the planet, but I find it impossible to believe ALL of my roommate's conspiracy theories.

    Over the years, she has said things to me that have me confused and/or worried. I don't like talking to her about these things when she brings them up, because they are disturbing and make me uncomfortable, so I thought I would post them here. Keep in mind that I have not attended any meetings in a while and never plan to become a JW, so I'm not completely up-to-date on current beliefs, although I do know all about blood, shunning, abuse scandals, etc..

    About a year or two ago, I recall my roommate saying she believed the Great Tribulation had already begun. And just this evening, while we were talking about the possibility of us being spied on via our own smartphones, she went on to warn me that "someday they'll be coming" for her. At first I thought it was because of all her research and chatting online about the Illuminati, but she clarified that "they" would be coming to round up all JWs and put them in concentration camps just like in WWII. I think she meant the UN, as she has claimed before that the UN is going to ban religion.

    Has anyone heard anything in their local kingdom hall to support these claims? I don't actually believe any of it; I'm merely curious as to what the general consensus is among JWs. The theory that the Watchtower is actually controlled by the Illuminati makes a lot of sense to me, though, but of course, I don't dare mention the possibility to my roommate, who would probably be the first to drink the Koolaid if and when the time comes.

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  • Landy
    The theory that the Watchtower is actually controlled by the Illuminati makes a lot of sense to me, though, but of course, I don't dare mention the possibility to my roommate, who would probably be the first to drink the Koolaid if and when the time comes.

    You were doing ok until then ....

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  • Nevuela

    What's that supposed to mean?

  • Listener
    she clarified that "they" would be coming to round up all JWs and put them in concentration camps just like in WWII. I think she meant the UN

    Did she happen to explain how she knows this?

    With their atrocious record of setting dates in the past you can be sure that they have no idea. There is nothing in the bible to back up this claim of putting JWs into concentration camps so get her to be specific about where this information is coming from.
  • Landy
    What's that supposed to mean?

    It means you were doing ok until you mentioned the illumunati.

    That turned you from being a normal person into a nutter.

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  • LisaRose

    There is a certain type of person who likes to think they have some special knowledge that other people don't have, which us why they are drawn to conspiracy theories, like the illuminati. . That same type of person, if they are a JW, likes to claim to be of the anointed, as that makes them feel special also.

    There is no illuminati, there is no anointed.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    I recall my roommate saying she believed the Great Tribulation had already begun.

    NOT according to JW doctrine.

    And just this evening, while we were talking about the possibility of us being spied on via our own smartphones, she went on to warn me that "someday they'll be coming" for her.

    Well this explains her claim to be of the "anointed" -- they are ALL CRAZY! So, yes, someday "they" probably will be "coming for her".

    My oh my..............is she taking her meds?

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  • Wayward

    Hi, Nevuela. Your roommate could very well be reacting to this summer's conventions and the infamous bunker video. The whole convention was to emphasize loyalty and more loyalty to 'Jehovah' (which really means the Governing Body) and to shun non-JW or former JW friends and family. The bunker video shows JWs hunkering down in a (very comfy looking) bunker while the forces of chaos rage outside. At the end, riot police break in to round up all the good little Witnesses and (presumably) cart them all off to concentration camps. Its no wonder your roommate is paranoid given how the JWs are saying the end of the world is coming any day now. I was too when I was a JW. It's been 30 years since I was told I'd never finish school, get a job, get married, get old because the world would end. I'm 40 now and the world hasn't ended.

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  • millie210

    Hi Nevuela,

    Welcome to the board. It is obvious you have a curious seeking mind.

    That is a trait that is sorely missing in todays world amongst many so good for you.

    I really like what Wayward said above, that was my thought too.

    Your friend sounds like she is very influenced by the power of suggestion. The bunker video at the summer convention was a masterpiece of psychological suggestion. Inferring that the world is about to turn on JWs who will be bravely hiding in basements ready to face the troops down when they storm the door.

    Some JWs laughed or snickered and just rolled on.

    Most felt a stirring of uneasiness (after all, it could happen, right?) and resolved to do more in meeting attendance and contributing to the world wide work.

    A small amount of JWs have been fixating on the video. They think it is a subtle message within a message that only the wisest will see now and others will see later.

    Your friend sounds like she might be in the latter group.

    The Org was aiming its message at the middle group. They, like most manipulative groups, have little to no concern about the first or the last group - their target audience was the middle and the rest is collateral damage.

    Your friend sounds like a good and gentle soul and no doubt she resonates easily to the "twanging of her emotional strings" so to speak. This video would have been fairly powerful in her mind especially if she is highly visual in her learning style.

    You say she mentioned a couple of years ago that the Great Trib. might have already started....this is very common among JWs who are very sincere and slightly eccentric. To think they are the first to pick up the scent when the winds of change might be blowing. The Orgs record is one of them getting letters by the thousands stating what your friend thinks.

    If it is popular enough, sometimes the Governing Body will put it in print as their own unique revelation. Anyone who thought it ahead of that time is considered "rushing ahead" and anyone who doesnt swallow it in its entirety once in makes print is considered "not accepting new light" and not keeping up with the chariot of God.

    See how that works? The Governing Body and only they, keep a firm grip on the flow of information.

    Again, welcome and I hope you continue posting. There are lots of nice people here.

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  • Finkelstein

    Sensitive people react differently to imposing fear.

    Religious apocalyptic cults like the JWS utilizes fear to allure and retain its adherents as well to exploit people's own insecurities and ignorance.

    Some very nice people can be taken in by this kind of mental fear inducing provocation.

    My mother for example.

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