Almost the majority of us know that there is a secret book just for the elders which is called "Pay Attention..." Everybody knows that the Society defends herself saying that the book is not secret becasue it was shown to the witnesses in an assambley and there is a picture of it in the book proclaimers so she askes how the book could be a secret. Well, acccording to my dicctionary for learners of English says: Secret; something that is secret is known about by only a small number of peple, and is not told or shown to anyone else. So perhaps the elders may say that the book is not a secret tah in their congregation everybody knows of its existence but who has access to its content? Who has been able to read even the introduction? NOBODY. It is just for elders and the book as a note saying that the book can not be shown to ANYBODY ELSE INCLUDING WIVES. So the book is SECRET. But what it is not known is that the elders also have a cd with thids secret elders book and others as the " Organised..." Yes, a whole cd with information just for the elders. I have some information taken from this cd but it is nearly impossible to get one but we shall see....
Hary POtter