While Jewish theology contains a history of sages and ancients contemplating on "Olam Ha Ba," or the World to Come, there is little to no focus on it. Many Jews do not even subscribe to the notion at all and accept that this life is all that there is.
The concepts of "belief" and "faith" were introduced into Judaism during the Middle Ages by Maimonides who felt it was necessary to fortify Jewish theology with such facts as a bulwark to counter Protestant proselytizing. WIth the birth of Zionism in modern times, Judiasm began to slowly retreat to pre-Maimonides concepts in these areas. Except when speaking to Christians and other Westerners, these days Jews rarely refer to their own convictions as beliefs or as holding them with faith since Judaism is a religion of practice, not of mental assent to theological concepts of creeds as one must do in Christianity.
In view of that, even where a Jew fully accepts the concept of Olam Ha Ba, it is not a focus. One does not "believe" or have "faith" in such things in Judaism, and little to nothing is known about the future in Judaism so we spend no time concentrating our efforts preparing our lives to live there.
Instead the principal of "Tikklun Olam," the healing of the world, plays foremost in the daily life of Jews. The keeping of Torah by performing mitzvah (the Hebrew word means both "commandment"and "blessing") is a way of bringing practical ways of benefit to the world. Instead of concentrating on living to get into Heaven or the coming world, Jews concentrate on making the most of life now and tending the world around them (as if they were like Adam, still assigned to tend the Garden of Eden). Being here, alive now is the miracle to be thankful for, not hoping and working to get into Heaven someday and escape the reality of death which must come to us all, you and me.
Tomorrow is not promised. We Jews do not know if our sages and prophets are right. Even if they are, we cannot earn our place in Olam Ha Ba. As the Jewish saying goes, if you see a problem in the world that means you have been gifted to help solve that problem. But if all you do is complain about the problem that you see, you not only deny your gift to solve it but make the matter worse by becoming part of the problem yourself.