News report on Sydney, Australia JW convention: all is well in JW-land?

by Gopher 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher

    So glad this convention will "dispel myths" regarding the J-dubs, and that they won't baptize anyone too young, only 11-year-olds and up!! Isn't it great?



    Baptism of faith for field of dreams
    Rachel Morris

    IN terms of crowd control, it was the best-behaved gathering Telstra Stadium had seen in its short history.

    No pitch invasions, no streakers, no scuffles in the beer queues, the corporate boxes were empty and this lot even brought their own packed lunches.

    More than 60,000 Jehovah's Witnesses from around the globe gathered at the Olympic stadium yesterday for the start of their four-day convention.

    Life-long Witness Nathan Wood, of Bulli, said part of the reason for holding the convention in Sydney (apart from having a venue suitable to hold all the delegates) was to dispel myths about the faith.

    "It's amazing how many misconceptions that people have about Jehovah's Witnesses," he said. "We are everyday people. Everything we do is based on the Bible."

    Tomorrow will see one of the biggest mass baptisms held in Australia with 500 adults undergoing immersion in pools of water in the centre of the stadium grounds.

    The Witnesses do not believe in baptising babies because they cannot make up their own minds about whether they want to take on the religion ? so the converts will be aged between 11 and 80.

    None will be dressed in white robes , instead donning "modest beach attire".

    (end of newspaper story)

  • joannadandy
    converts will be aged between 11 and 80.

    Right because 11 year olds are so much better at making up their minds

  • blondie

    Does that mean that the WTS does not baptize anyone under 11?

  • willyloman
    Does that mean that the WTS does not baptize anyone under 11?

    No, it simply means those are the best ages... too young/old to think for themselves.

  • Euphemism

    LOL @ blondie and loman!

  • Gadget
    no scuffles in the beer queues,

    They had beer there? That would make the asemblies a lot more interesting!

  • ozziepost
    More than 60,000 Jehovah's Witnesses from around the globe gathered at the Olympic stadium

    60,000 shunners!

  • shamus

    11 years old... yeah, I was sure ready to make a life-changing decision like that... not even going through puberty yet, for goodness sake.

    And they DO follow the teachings from the bible... they take things from all over the place and get extreeme with it...

  • Frantic

    My friends will be at that exact convention. I get to feed their cat while they are gone. 11 yr olds? How about 18.....u know, where u leave school, forced to fend for urself. The 'faith' itself should be enough for young jw's to stay in the camp. What is it with their boundaries? I know an engaged couple who have NOT spent one moment alone (aged around 21/19). That is SAD. I personally think its bullcrap (excuse the profanity). No one can be trusted. some leeway, some faith should be permitted in certain circumstances. btw, what was the previous age rules regarding child baptism? Frantically Insane Andy.

  • blondie

    Frantic, that is sad. Can't they go to the mall together or a movie or to a restaurant. They could drive in separate cars or be dropped off and picked up to soothe the anxious parents. Do they have someone with them 24/7. Are they alone with their workmates or do they need a chaperone then?


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