Watchtower says: if your unbelieving relatives think you are in a cult, try to see things from their point of view

by cognisonance 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cognisonance

    12 Have empathy for unbelieving relatives. While we may be overjoyed about the Bible truths we have learned, our relatives may mistakenly believe that we have been tricked or have become part of a cult. They may think that we no longer love them because we do not celebrate holidays with them. They may even fear for our eternal welfare. We should show empathy by trying to see things from their viewpoint and by listening carefully to discern their real concerns. (Prov. 20:5) The apostle Paul endeavored to understand “people of all sorts” in order to share the good news with them, and a similar approach can help us as well.​

    Periodically I look to see what bull shit my family still has to read and found the above.

    What? So the Watchtower is advocating our family members still stuck in should be willing to try and see things from our point of view and listen carefully... How can I get my parents, my cousin, my uncles, and other relatives to see my point of view and listen carefully to my concern they are part of a cult.

    I suspect this is impossible. The bold sentence above says the aim of seeing their viewpoint is to "discern their real concerns" (as if thinking they are in a cult is not a real concern!?). Further, the last sentence show the ulterior motive, all this listening is with aim to find an angle to spin to try and preach to us unbelievers. And while I view my self as an unbeliever (I'm an atheist), to them I'm a disfellowshipped apostate so I doubt they will listen to me if I tried.

    I just find it astonishing the level of disingenuousness the above paragraph contains! Not to mention the implicit duplicity (oh, this idea only applies to group x, but not group y, despite both groups not believing in our teachings).

    I also find it appalling the idea of only trying to understand where someone else is coming from without a genuine interest or care in their viewpoint, but only to find a way to argue your case with them. The automatic discounting that their view must be wrong because it isn't your own -- wow, just wow -- no wonder JWs are so ignorant! They have no ability to be open minded about anything as they think they already know it all.

    Lastly look at the level of thought control in this paragraph: "we may be overjoyed" (what about the JWs not overjoyed?), "we have learned" (have JWs learned anything or have been told what to believe?), "may mistakenly believe" ( again example of being told what to believe, no JW has "learned" they aren't a cult member -- kind of contradicts the "we have learned" phrase), "We should" (telling what to do again), and "real concerns" (again the cult accusation must not be really the concern).

  • ttdtt

    Maybe it will have the effect of some JWs reading "apostate" info they would get from the family that is Terrified they are in a Cult.

  • cognisonance
    Maybe it will have the effect of some JWs reading "apostate" info they would get from the family that is Terrified they are in a Cult.

    That might be a good outcome. Maybe I should share more information with my extended never-been JW family...

  • cognisonance

    Of course speaking of us former-members that same article says:

    Respect the discipline of Jehovah. His arrangement can bring the best long-term outcome for all, including the wrongdoer, even though the immediate effect is painful. (Read Hebrews 12:11.) For example, Jehovah instructs us to “stop keeping company” with unrepentant wrongdoers. (1 Cor. 5:11-13) Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messages, letters, e-mails, or social media.

    Hmm... maybe I should try "abnormal" contact, which judging by the list of normal contact in the paragraph must mean, you know, that weird way people communicate... face to face?

  • OneEyedJoe

    When I was in, it always bothered me how much effort they seemed to put in to explaining why it wasn't a cult.

    Another effect I can see of this, if JWs follow the advice, is that if the unbelieving relatives have only a cursory suspicion that JWs are a cult the JW is going to react in a way that will probably ease their concerns. All the same persecution complex alarms will be going off in the JW's head, but it seems that the goal here is to essentially leave the concerned relative feeling a bit silly. Basically this is saying to put on a show of listening to the other person to make them feel better while internally discounting everything they say so that it won't get any purchase.

  • steve2

    There's nothing quite like a member of a cult being told by their leaders to behave like they are not in a cult. Nice, smiling faces, "tolerant" and patronising view of those who believe it is really a cult, etc. And never open-minded enough to realise those who believe it is a cult could be correct.

    Despite the Watchtower's archly unrealistic admonition (acting school anyone?), i have yet to meet a JW anywhere who could carry out this type of lame-minded charade.


    our relatives may mistakenly believe that we have been tricked or

    have become part of a cult.


    People in the outside world are recognizing the WBT$/JW`s as Cult.


    It`s become a big enough problem for the WatchTower.

    WatchTower feels a need to address it.

    Image result for Jehovahs witness cult

  • steve2

    Outlaw - please stop hitting the nail on the head.

  • scratchme1010

    I didn't read your entire post, cognisonance, but the very beginning of your post title says it all and reveals the irony: "Watchtower says".

    For as long as what they say goes, people can go out and inquire.

  • Spiral

    There's nothing quite like a member of a cult being told by their leaders to behave like they are not in a cult. Nice, smiling faces, "tolerant" and patronising view of those who believe it is really a cult, etc. And never open-minded enough to realise those who believe it is a cult could be correct.

    Despite the Watchtower's archly unrealistic admonition (acting school anyone?), i have yet to meet a JW anywhere who could carry out this type of lame-minded charade.

    Oh boy....... this is really something. I don't recall this issue - to cult, or not to cult- being written about so openly, but then I haven't been reading anything WT for the last decade. But, in its screwball way, it does show that the GB are aware that people think the JWs are a cult (duh.....) and in their hamfisted way they need to deal with it. Kinda like Nixon (and soon Trump) saying "I am not a crook! I am not a crook!"

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