When I became an elder I saw the dark side. A side I previously believed couldn't possibly exist in the one true religion of the happiest people on earth.
Then they rolled out 'overlapping generations(tm)' and that was the last straw.
All my life I had doubts but surpressed them thinking I was at fault and not the cult leaders.
It seems more likely that now the Governing body are parading around like popes, wearing their expensive jewellery, that this will nauseate even dyed in the wool JWs.
I wonder if the wake up can be condensed into main categories?
1. Experiencing the cruel handling of matters by the WBT$ reps.
2. Crazy doctrine (EG. Overlapping generations).
Something/s must have started the deprogramming process for those of us that were under watchtower mind control.
Wadda ya think?